Branding Yourself…

I have been thinking of late and today found time to write on this favorite topic of mine. Branding Yourself. Lets have a small test. Ask what you are known for among your friends circle, your peers, your work place and of course your clients place. Everywhere people will associate you with an adjective, from good to bad to innovative to maverick to loose talker to nonsense, anything is possible given the circumstances…

So how do you carve that special adjective of positives when it comes to your name. Say if you are a student its much easier. The way you carry among your peers is more than an idea that you wanna be different, not for the sake of it but you want to be really different and stand out in the crowd. May be the way you submit your assignments could be different from the crowd. The way you prepare yourself for a seminar take extra effort in working in a team etc etc will go a long way in making you a brand to reckon with of course among your peers and among your teachers too.

In any profession, the making of brand you is a slow and steady process with real qualities which make everyone envy your potential and more so make them competitive. In your endeavor to make your brand presence felt be careful not to make enemies out there.

Here are some adjectives which could help you being a brand: trustworthy, responsible, smart working, reliable, confident, creative and much more…

Try finding what are the adjectives you are related with. These could be the brand qualities you are looking for.

Will see how to work our way in building a brand in certain special cases one by one in the days to come….

For now, check out personal branding and make a list of to dos and make it known to yourself and make it happen with a small list ofcourse.
