The Tanishq ad that set the industry talking about it…

So even before the ad made its presence in the twitter, I came across this beautiful ad and it was half way through the first time I watched it. The next time it aired, I was like ok the Indian woman has arrived finally and how.

There is a personal reason attached to it, nevertheless the take was a poignant one if you ask me. The cute little one, the way she goes to see her mom being decked up and arriving for the ceremony.

Quite often these kids ask: why was I not invited to your wedding, where was I? I am not in the photograph? How dare you etc? So it was a cute one when she insists that she also wants to go ’round and round’ pretty body language and verbal that.

The best part is yet to come. The would be husband seeing her forlorn, calls out and carries her in his arms and completes the traditional ritual.

The last scene closes in on when the daughter asks if she can call him Daddy.

This would have gone off, but there are somethings which made it spectacular as they say. One of the argument was the bride was dusky, cmon guys half the population in Tamilnadu and Kerala are dusky, so all those guys out there talking wah dusky, do they think they dont get married at all?

If you wana know what being dusky  means, ask Vivek he will explain in his Sivaji style. Jokes apart, why are we even celebrating this? Is n’t acknowledging that we were discriminating all these days.

Its the same industry which launched Genelia in an ad where she becomes, fairer and gets a job! Check with Director Cheran with his movie – Autograph!

Anyways on another level we should give it to the brand to make the second marriage a celebration like no other. Its for both the bride and the groom. As always the groom doesn’t gets the credit.

Here go watch the ad now: