Think Usain Bolt! (Why writing about him? Well because I believe he is expected at Bangalore sometime next week as a part of the Puma Event!)
Imagine what goes on behind the scenes till the day he appears at the sprinting race for the 100m dash. Can you imagine what he might possibly be thinking? I think its possibly tough to imagine. What goes on his mind… Does he think about the competition… Or Does he think about the result…?
There would have been years and years of toil to clock that best 9.98 seconds! U bet!!
My question is this? Would he have clocked this 9.98 during practice? Worth pondering! I think, Yes he should have. Otherwise it cannot happen. Think about it. Excellence can never be a one off. Excellence is a habit. Thats the simple reason why we see the best of sportsmen effortlessly do their feat.
Think of Sergei Bubka, the one who in its literal sense raised the bar enough number of times in pole vaulting. He did his best ever everytime he set foot on the track. Practice makes it perfect. More practice only makes it sweeter for the sports man.
On the World stage, what he achieves is the Beauty of that Perfection! The audience dont get to see his behind the scene struggle. They see and applaud the final Perfection. What about us? The everyday Usain Bolts!?
For us, our everyday chore is that stage and we ought to deliver perfect everytime. That needs practice and more intent to perform to the best. That exactly is the secret of winning the Olympic Gold.
And to think of The Usain Bolt, he literally has bolted to the gold in more ways than one. the 100 m and 200 m I mean. Cheers
(one post a day 7/30)