To err is human and to forgive is divine…

Open bible with man and cross











One of the most wonderful thing about being human is you can expressly forgive and that is a choice that you could take. I think no other animal is bound to think in its entirety before actually really wokring and doing.

I remember the stance of Portia in the courtroom where she asks Shylock for mercy and he says he wants the flesh only. These are the lines from Merchant of Venice!

The quality of mercy is not strained.
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven,
Upon the place beneath.
It is twice blessed.
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

In today’s world we know how tough it is to forgive since people are taking things too far that we cant be better human beings.

But on the other hand, the truth is that  when you have revenge as an idea, then it becomes  a tough thing on you as well as the young. The most interesting part is that if  you forgive and forget that makes you live longer than usual. Physical attributes apart, imagine how it could affect you mentally.

It is akin the poison tree which keeps growing with the thoughts thinking that the enemy is under threat. But it grows on you rather gives us a sudden jerk up in life.

Forgiveness is a trait that is very highly needed in today’s world. If you can forgive you would have the best of things come back to you!

One post a day 25/30 belated update!