The Mouse Charmers – Digital Pioneers of India by Anuradha Goyal #Bookreview

the mouse charmers

A nice classic if I can call it for the start-up community and the entrepreneur in you. I know the author as the quintessential blogger and this is a nice compilation of the stories that have impacted our life.  With the impact of internet and the mobile only going to go higher in our lives we need to know these companies from the inside out. And this book achieves that.

The story and the narration of the companies and the business model and the technology being laid thread bare makes you appreciate the nuances with ease and may be kindle the entrepreneur in you.

After reading this I felt we need more stories like this should be introduced to the young people so they can take the risks and look at the entrepreneurial journey at an young age.

The author has taken the 3 Cs – Commerce, Content and Connectors as the theme and woven a nice story around the customer and the company in question. This will surely be an eyeopener for the readers in a way they are introduced to these companies.

She has got it with the three Cs. Obviously we have more players and I am sure the constraint in the space would be the reason for not getting others in here. Nevertheless it has achieved the purpose.

I would recommend this to any one who is thinking about entrepreneurship especially in the technology domain. Though the times and technologies have changed, the inherent spirit of the entrepreneur and the way he goes about will remain the same.

I am sure you would be able to find your calling or niche and also sometimes make judgement about your business plan when you read this book. You would easily find the answers at ease.

I don’t want to write in with each companies specified here but I am sure these will serve as lessons on both sides, success becuase they have and for us how not to do it.

One thing I must mention is that Indiblogger is also a part of this stories under the connectors. Thanks Indiblogger for sending in this book!

A nice read and highly recommended one at that – startups and those starting up, the time you invest here in this book will be doubly rewarded.


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