I have been down and out and how?
One of the worst times was when I lost someone very close and dear to me. Add to that being held liable for the same event, and there was no time to mourn. Legalities continued and took almost 5 years to get off.
Every day there was no sun shine if at all there was it was a bit of hope. Godsend my job was intact by the mercies of some one who I will adore for the rest of my life for being solidly behind me. So those were times when it said you still have HOPE. Yes in capital letters HOPE.
I had to change when the trial was getting on and was jobless in a way after that.
Though these were days of nightmares here’s how I made use of them.
Some of those things I did in no particular order:
1. Took to blogging, even some articles on mouthshut.com. I wrote on everything I could relate to especially R K Narayan or things I felt about.
2. Took to official blogging in a sense, I was blogging at O3- now defunct its a part of indiatimes.com (infact we are trying to get a plugin built so we can download all our works but no one responds from Indiatimes)
The blog was my biggest refuge – at last count I had over 150 written on F1 seasons and also had a prediction league at that. Top it all with a second prize for sports category in O3 Awards.
I made some great friends who are in touch even today.
3. Turned to spirituality, it wasnt new for me, except I would not think about the rituals as a big benefit, but this time I did take to rituals every two weeks fasting and very regularly being at the temple for the special arathi that would be held. I was regular in every sense of the word.
4. Started Reading: Though reading was in my habit this expanded to more of book on motivation, some of the Robin Sharma titles and other came my way. More understanding and getting on.
5. Legal training: I was getting trained to think legally in every aspect of life. What if. I was getting to read and sort articles and help my lawyer friend and keep track of the latest judgement on the certain topic that I was involved with.
6. Very close knit friendship: It was close and very small in number though I had enough of contact and acquaintances as a part of my professional network.
I think I should have taken to physical fitness or a physical regimen and that would have amplified in a healthy life style not that it was showing anything bad still looking back it would have made a lot of difference.
So why am I writing this now.? well in case you think you have had your worst moment think about it, almost everyone has had one and its actually the way you bounce back that marks the person you are.
PS: I had wanted to write on this ever since I read a blog from Shailaja mam!
But the immediate reaction was an invitation from our JCI Coimbatore Cosmo chapter for its ID program. The best part was the sharing of the presentation with all members and found it useful to go through that since I was not able to make it.
So I thought I shall pen down some of my own experience during the last 10 years or so.