Not A Word About Love by Hana Goldberg #bookreview

The flight of imagination is the start of a journey and especially in a book if served with the touch of sense and sensuality, it  is a great achievement.

Gripping. Makes you move pages. Takes you on a ride. With thoughts. Wild and free. Sometimes practical. Looking back. Review yourself. Introspect. Blast from the past. Reminiscence.

Well some of the sentences I put to use to imitate the language that the author engages in making the reader read through the emotions. It has a sincere approach to a carefree woman’s revelry in her thoughts and an uninhibited display of her sensibilities.

You will go on a trip to Thailand and live alongside with her moments, thoughts and actions and  be a witness to all that is happening to her, and sometimes share her thoughts and mindless rants. The water would touch your toes on the sea shore and the winds would caress your face as you ride along the bike.

Meet Maya who is almost at the tipping point in her life, and she is bored of the routine that stalks her life. Wants a change and take a ticket to Thailand and the story goes right from the time she checks in at the airport and then goes till she gets to see the co-passenger at his office.

Sensual to the character, with the background of Thailand, the story of Joe, the man in this story and Maya’s own fight for sensibility and sometimes for her wild imaginations, Not a word about love captures the essence of the longings and sensuality in a very subtle manner and that it happens outside of marriage doesn’t deter Maya in her quest to release her identity from what she has built around her.

At some places, we get to see the human side which transcends with the emotions of the characters beyond morality and sometimes gets into the practical outlook on life. This is a definite page turner making you think whats up next. Has a humorous take on life and makes for a wonderful gripping read.

Hana takes us through a gritty journey of emotions and frank expressions of self in Maya and traverses us through a mixed road of family, attachments, relationships both success and failures, and of course through the mind of a scriptwriter, who just wanted to be unleashed off her own inhibitions and live carefree in the moment.

Pick this title up and revel in a different world with Maya, that much I can vouch for. Fast paced and fluid the narration makes for an easy read and am sure you will finish this in one session for sure. The best part is the author has the reader under her control at all times never wavering in its style and going till the last page.

The title is a great one given the story and the misgivings that we attribute to the word Love.

Happy to be introduced to Hana Goldberg through this work and Tomoson for making it happen.

You can get your copy / kindle version just here: Not a Word about Love
