A stone lay there on the roadside,
None would care to look,
Nor was there any sculptor who took;
It to his imagined world aside.
It lay still for days unseen,
A burden for the earth it had been.
For all who saw it black and hard,
Had never tried to become a bard.
Time did pass, till one day a man;
Saw this large stone as everyone can.
But he saw something more in,
That into his dream world he took the stone in.
Then day and night he worked on,
Till he felt tired and torn.
And for days did he toil,
Like a farmer who does for his soil.
He carved and carved till,
It did his picture fill.
Then, one fine day when he finished-
The people gathered there were astonished.
All gazed and gazed, yet one
Curious, and worthy of none,
Asked the sculptor how he had been,
Able to see the form in the rock hardly seen.
Answered the humble sculptor “I see,
Also the Almighty Lord in thee”.
Senthilkumar R
(Based on stories – Circa 1993)