Category Archives: Mobile Advertising

The 5th P of Electoral Marketing

Superstar Rajinikanth addresses after casting his vote during the South Indian Artists Association’s SIAA Election in

Let me admit this, this post has been long overdue, and procrastination has had an undue effect on this and I thought what better topic than the voter as a consumer. This is the season of election where I am living and my neighbouring state of Kerala.

My professional assignments have taken me to see how the political parties see these voters as consumers and fool them into buying their promise and come up trumps.

So I went back to see how these have evolved in the last few years and how one last election has changed the landscape to a different plane of activity as far as election is concerned.

How do you actually define your consumer. Work backwards, that might be the philosophy.

A party looks at the voter as a consumer. And the best part is the market or the target that it is all about. The product here is a 5-year government that is being sold to a very heterogeneous set of population.

The parties used to profile the market and differentiate in their own way not until the matrix of social studies came into play.

The matrix of 4Ps in play in elections is quite evident from the way they start announcing the candidates. Price, Place, Packaging and Promotion.

First P : Price
The Price here refers to the amount the candidate is willing to pay for the Party quite easily becomes the preference which they think can make up for the rest of the next three Ps. Quite obviously, this took a different dimension in Tirumangalam in Tamilnadu where each voter was given a price say ranging between 1000 – 2000 rupees to cast his vote in favour of a party. This was significant because it was also a bye election. This later came to be known as Tirumangalam Formula and was widely used by the opposition and won elections handsomely.
So what’s a little few crores when you can earn as much and more when you get to power in the next five years.

Second P : Place
The next P is the Place, its actually a suggestion by the Electin commission that makes it a reserved category seat in some cases. But otherwise the candidate needs to be a local. The national Parties are very strict about this sometimes, they believe the son of the soil card can be played to the advantage. So clearly in Kerala when Sreeshant was announced a candidate the opposition which no real issues picked on him as an outsider.

The Place factor also can be historical, say the DMK Stalwart contests from his hometown a bit of psychology and emotional appeal as if the constituency is going to be changed to a capital anytime soon. Mind you need to fool all the people only for that few days when the electoral code is in force.

Third P : Packaging
Let’s move to Packaging, what’s a product without the real deal – packaging, the inherent psyche of the consumer is that however good the product may be it is enhanced to the next level with some packaging and we see how important it is when it comes to FMCGs, I would rank the votes under the same category except that its once in five years.
The Packaging these days have now come to be done by professionals who can crunch data for you and give you a presentation that will floor you down and make it look like a book titled how to win elections by engineering a social divide across caste, community and religion. Again the closest the parties come to is the packaging of the castes, communal and religious overtones in subtle and sublime way that people think its ok for us to be hoodwinked and a sense of righteousness fills them when they are told that they belong to a clan of warriors or fighters or sometimes they will be known for their hard-line stance on caste or community lines.

Fourth P : Promotion
Now let’s talk about promotion. Those were days when you can actually do paid advertising but then today Election Commission thinks it’s got the rights to enforce at least some of the important statues and try to get an un influenced by media election. Of course you can discount the party owned and other media outlets, especially with reference to Tamil Nadu where I belong, I still wonder how Election Commission will be able to ideally have them accounted as a cost.

The last Parliament election made Social Media the darling of every party and the way Narendra Modi used it apart from his whirlwind tours made it an important instrument in his victory.

So we have digital making a great impact and there are different patterns appearing even Meme’s making it to the forefront. Whatsapp, Facebook, twitter are all used extensively to create touch points for communication. Ofcourse there are apps too which are making it happens. The digital with its targeting is making it a wonderful instrument. Even SMSes are being used across.

Fifth P : No guesses Its Prashanth Kishore
Now the post 2014 has given birth to a new P. It’s called Prashanth Kishore and that P has been able to make waves after Mission 2014 Its been easy till now with the Bihar elections in his bag The 5th P in election marketing is on a roll. Time will decide how it will fare in the near future.

The winner needs to get these 4Ps together in appropriate measure according to the place he is working on the ground. Not to forget the 5th P.

Urban has a social media edge meanwhile rural has the other side of offline marketing which also includes bribing with liquor, biriyani and money.

Now you might be asking me what will the consumer here aka the voter get. He gets to be laughed at for another 5 years. 😛

Now in case you are any of the state are in election mode and reading hope you did your sacred duty of voting!


PS: Incase you are asking me about the Picture its about an election but yeah nothing to do with the article, as much as citizens plight for the next five years

#TweetToFarmer an initiative by Mother Dairy Milk!

That was simply great to be able to ‪#‎TweetToFarmer‬ courtesy Mother Dairy Milk 🙂

Happy to be featured in the video by way of a tweet and love the happiness of the farmers featured there, without whom we wont have our daily food or rather daily milk!

This was a part of celebrating the Birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien the Man who made the Operation Flood a success that has made India the largest milk producing country in the world.

It feels lovely to see the video and those smiles and heartfelt messages, from them that they will keep them safe and cherish those messages made me overwhelmed. It was humbling to see those faces.

#MotherDairy celebrated India’s Milkman – Dr.Verghese Kurien’s birthday, by connecting urban consumers to the dairy farmers with a social initiative called #TweetToFarmer.

I loved tweeting to Farmers and for all we know we don’t give them their due. Happy to be a part of the video!

mothers dairy1 mothers dairy

This is the video for you 🙂


The Lumia 535 Smart Buyback Offer” Buyback at Rs. 5,999*

Lumia Buy Back offer

Lumia has announced a buyback offer!

What’s the offer?

  • Exchange your old phone and buy new Lumia 535 for Rs. 5,999*
  • The offer is valid from 7th August 2015 for a limited period till stock lasts.

This offer is available on purchase of Lumia 535 at all the authorized re-sellers of Lumia devices across India.

What’s more?

Consumers can also get a cash back* of up to Rs. 3,600 in their Mobikwik wallet

Devices that the offer is valid on:

  • Lumia 535, 540, 640, 640 XL, 730 and 430.

The cashback offer can be redeemed over a period of one year, Rs.300/- per month. Use code <LUMIA300> to avail the offer.

#AchieveMore with Lumia 535

  • Front camera: 
5MP wide angle
  • Flash type: 
LED flash
  • Processor type: 
Quad-core 1.2GHz
  • Maximum talk time (3G): 
13 h

Achieve more with built-in OneDrive, 5 MP wide-angle front facing camera & 5″ (12.7 cm) screen.

Lumia 535 comes packed with premium features, the Lumia 535 Dual SIM sports a colorful design, easy readability in sunlight on a large five-inch display and a quad-core processor for a smooth smartphone experience. And if the built-in 8 GB of internal storage up to 30 GB of free OneDrive storage isn’t enough, bulk up to an additional 128 GB by adding a microSD card.

The Lumia 535 Dual SIM comes with the latest version of Windows Phone. And with regular over-the-air updates, you’ll always have the newest software. In class or at work, with Microsoft Office built in, and quick access to your files through OneDrive, viewing and editing your documents is easy. And you get up to 30 GB of free OneDrive storage – upload your photos and share them with friends in a private folder.

Airtel rolls out 4G with a challenge for a lifetime!

This is definitely a great news in more ways than one. India just shifted gears officially so to say with Airtel going 4G. This will open up a new set of internet users who are on the move and have always wanted speed more than anything else.

The best part here is the definition of speed, some of my test with Airtel across the country have given me speeds at 35Mbps imagine a 100 Mb file downloaded in 4 seconds! And rendering a HD video without any buffering and smooth as butter loading and you wont know the full movie is up for you to see.

Now the best part is I have been using 4G for sometime and have had different experiences across different parts of the city – reference is Coimbatore here and some places away from the city say Goa too.

The testing was on a Galaxy A5 and a Mi4i handsets.


As I have already told you this is better than those early days and I did have some difficulty in connecting to normal voice at times when they might have been working on the migration part.

So you want to know how the world will change for you with 4G here’s the TVC that was unveiled today!

The pricing is the key probably for us in India we are very price conscious at every thing that we come across, kitna deti hai types. But the catch is its at the same 3G price.

The thing is we would be easily be driving the bandwidth usage given that 4G can drive upto 30 plus Mbps and thats just 10 instances of 100 Mb downloads for 1 Gb usage!

But you know the life changes for you with so much speed you can do a lot more things faster and take time off for yourself. The transfers that we had officially has now become easier than ever and have time to stretch ourselves for a chai at the canteen.

I think we have been lucky to transfer ourselves from 3G which we have not seen the full potential and to 4G is as insane as it can get. This will have real impact on education and health and other important applications and that can have far reaching impact on the society. I look forward to the positive things that this can drive about.

The consumption of video thats happening and the information search will be interesting to see and how this can enable a brand to reach out to the customers is a big challenge that I can foresee. This is a nice opportunity that way for every one trying to reach out with the power of 4G.

Welcome to a new life of 4G and I have a word of caution, the speed are too hot to handle in literal sense that you would have finished your quota of 2Gb 3G bandwidth in no time!

A colleague of mine went without internet on data mode for 5 days because of testing 4G and exhausting the data! But yeah revel in it till the prices hold to the 3G days!

It almost looks like 3G was so very slow, ask me I started with the 128 kbps telecom connection some 15 years back, upgraded to ISDN courtesy my work at a medical transcription unit and then to the normal broadband, mobile 2G then the 3G which was not fully utilised.

Even the cat look on!


Forget Buffering! Picture6



Only on Airtel 4G the speeds are redefined for 4G!Picture10

Are you ready to take the challenge? Life time free mobile!Picture11

Welcome again to a new way of life called Airtel 4G!


Airtel 4G in Coimbatore – a review

You would be glad to know that Bharti Airtel has launched 4G yes you heard it right 4G in our Covai city. Thats a great speed news since the compelling response Airtel has had from customers in Chennai, Vellore and they will now go spreading the 4G network across rest of Tamil Nadu.

In a world where the Maslow’s Hierachy has been redefined with the access to charging a battery and internet as basic even below the daily needs, it must come as a great relief that 4G is atlast here.


To give you an idea what 4G can do for you, there is no buffering and imagine downloading 10 movies in half an hour, yes 10 HD movies if you will! Add to that uploading your fav selfies and photographs to the facebooks and instagrams of the world in a flash.

The speeds are F1 paced swwosh and your download is done, this time the coffee will remain as hot as served. Be warned.

Now here is the best part to be a part of this at the same rates atleast initially as I hope so, you get 4G at the 3G rates! Enjoy as much as you can, and all you need to do is walk into an Airtel stores across Coimbatore and ask for a 4G sim and well you need to have a 4G enabled handsets.

Some of the common handsets include, Motorola’s Moto E 4G which can be purchased from Flipkart, don’t forget to get a 500 cashback on the same. Airtel has also ties up with Samsung offering a definite 4G plan along with 4g enabled handsets. It is also reported that Samsung is looking to launch its all new Core Prime 4G mobile smart phone in Airtel 4G markets.

Thanks to Airtel, I was one of the few enlisted to enjoy the power of 4G in Coimbatore. Armed with a 4G wifi dongle that can connect upto 10 devices and a Samsung Galaxy A5 handset and fully loaded data, I set to explore what’s 4G speed all about.

As I write this there is a disclaimer that the infrastructure is in the process of being done and this is a pilot happening and they are trying to make it better may be as you complete reading this piece.

I loved the cute handy design of the 4G wifi modem. It can be on the move for upto 6 hours when fully charged. Being on the power its stays fit.


Now to the speeds and the overall experience. The moment I got hold of the handset and the modem, the first thing I did was to post it on Facebook and that elicited a response for a Ookla speed test!

And here we go: at two different places in Coimbatore – Veerakeralam some 500 metres off Marudhamalai road in particular is the first picture: by Ookla   The Global Broadband Speed Test

The result was 6.12 Mbps which meant you could download a 60 Mb file in 10 seconds flat, a 600 mb file in 100 seconds flat!

The second one in a span of two days at Ramanathapuram – Trichy Main Road near Olumbus. by Ookla   The Global Broadband Speed Test_2

Well the first impression was Wow thats great and on second thought dil maange more! 😛 Need more and today bandwidth is in the gold category where you always need more!

But as for as the videos on youtube and other players it was seamless and there was a initial buffer but once the video started there was no buffering. Downloads of apps and games was superfast, well to be frank I did download, Angry Birds and some Candy Crush stuff to check the speed. Some of the video based apps also worked better in this.

Like I said initial days, and this can be a normal stuff and that is great news, simple because it can only get better from here. Well that’s what people at Airtel seems to be working on getting you better bandwidth and better surfing experience.

I want to thank the folks at Airtel for giving me this opportunity to try out the service at Coimbatore.

Before I close, this is the first installment of the review, await another in a weeks time, and in the meanwhile you want to know what Airtel 4G LTE is all about please click here:


PS: I had been to Goa and we saw 4G modem work seamlessly across some places where even though the reception was a bit down.

I have been to New Delhi too and that made me really pity Coimbatore but yeah I am sure the folks at Airtel are waiting to give us the same speed. Please DO!  🙂

For those who want to know how fast 4G can be take a look at the screen shot below at an Airtel Store in New Delhi.


My Airtel App – the go to app for managing your mobile account


The biggest telephone mobile operator Airtel has billing issues which often turns the customer very angry. The customers also have a real problem in the sense that they have to get the real readings and I think this has a solution and they have come with a new app! The most important thing for me is to measure my bandwidth usage and that makes all the bill to be readable and make sure I pay within limits. And if you have an Airtel DTH even that can be used around here and you can pay your bills with a click.

Some of the features which I was impressed are here:

1. Unbilled Usage

The download and installation was breeze and it got my number and was showing the bill straightaway with my due date and the amount to be paid. One of the most important features is this and yes you could also see your unbilled amount and this will help you keep tab on how much you are spending. Probably one of the first features I would recommend. We can look at this part to know what could be the billing

2. My Data (consumption)

This is easily one of the best things which I could also look for being authoritative especially when we have different set of readings from an external app with that of the Airtel own meters if we could say.

GIves you a reading on the usage of the bandwidth on a day to day basis and lets you keep tab of the consumption.

3. Recharge any number

With more than 4 Airtel prepaid numbers in the family this is a great new way to recharge and get well get coupons on every recharge. This will be an easy way to recharge when the charge is out especially when it matters most during travel or when they cannot.

Other features include the using the managed services tab and making request. I think request will have a great response provided that there is a need fulfilled way of looking at it.

The overall interface looks pretty cool with the brand colors making it all more cool in a way.

Shake for offers:

You can go shaking your phone and get amazing offers and if you are online shopper you will be all smiles with the offers on hand. There were a lot of irresistible offers.  You could end up talking for free with the offers available.

You can see more details of the same here:

Check for a preview of the app in this video here:

And that ring actually is the real sound when you shake your phone. You will find it pretty cool.

This is available on Google Playstore the android version as of now and iOS is in the works and will soon be available in some time.

I am sure this is an utility app and will be quite useful for us to be on watch with respect to the billing. Any money saved is money earned. And thats possible here with My Airtel App.


Microsoft Launches the Lumia 640 XL and Lumia 640 in India #achievemore

Bangalore, April 7, 2015: Microsoft today rolled out two new smartphones, Microsoft Lumia 640 XLDual SIM and Microsoft Lumia 640Dual SIM in India, giving consumers greater flexibility and freedom to choose when and where they get things done. Both devices offer the seamless integration of Lumia essentials with a choice of screen sizes and camera capabilities and Microsoft services, to offer incredible productivity, keeping you prepared for anything — for work, at home and on the go.

Lumia 640 XL and Lumia 640, both upgradable to Windows 10 when it becomes available later this year, come armed with the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1with the Lumia Denim update. With the 12 month Office 365 Personal subscription offer, these devices will redefine productivity and with free OneDrive storage, those important documents are always within reach too.

Speaking at the launch, T.S. Sridhar, Director – Marketing, South – Nokia India Sales said,Consumers today are constantly looking for a device to bring them more flexibility to switch easily between work and play. The Lumia 640 XL and Lumia 640are the perfect devices that are enablers of productivity, busting the 9 to 5 myth by letting you achieve more, on your own terms. Packed with Microsoft services and experiences along with the exclusive Office 365 personal subscription offer, the Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL are well positioned to help us get back some of our scarcest commodity, time!”

Lumia 640 XL and Lumia 640 feature the very best of Microsoft’s services to help people accomplish more on the go – right out of the box.

  • Access, edit and share Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents and OneNote notebooks wherever you are, with the pre-installed Office suite
  • Connect with work and personal e-mail while on the go, with Microsoft Outlook built-in
  • Switch seamlessly between voice and video calls with built-in Skype integration and the front-facing wide angle cameras on Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL
  • Smoothly and quickly access important documents or run all of your favorite websites, apps and games, thanks to the onboard 1GB of memory and powerful quad core Qualcomm Snapdragon
  • Enjoy photos and videos on a crisp HD display – either 5” on Lumia 640 or 5.7” on Lumia 640 XL.
  • Power through the work day, thanks to a long-lasting battery – 2500 mAh for Lumia 640 and 3000 mAh for Lumia 640 XL.
  • Capture detail rich photos, thanks to the 8 MP camera on Lumia 640 or 13 MP camera with ZEISS optics on Lumia 640 XL. Both feature LED flash and Lumia Camera software right out of the box.
  • Keep up-to-date on the most important information with Glance Screen, which comes out of the box on both Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL.
  • Comes with the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1 and the Lumia Denim update, complete with one-swipe Action Center, Word Flow and Live Folders.
  • Both Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL will be available in dual SIM 3G variants.

The India offer for Lumia 640XL and Lumia 640

On every purchase of the new Lumia 640 XL and Lumia 640, consumers will get a12 monthOffice 365 Personal subscription worth INR 3,299/- as a limited time offer redeemable between April to June, 2015 which also includes a massive 1 Terabyte of OneDrive storage. This offer will give you access to Office365 across 1 PC or Mac, and 1 tablet like a Windows tablet, iPad® or Android tablet, plus easy access on 1 smartphone.

Adding another exciting offer for consumers on the Lumia 640 XL, Mobikwik,the online wallet will offer a recharge cashback worth INR 1000, redeemable with a minimum recharge of INR 200 per month for five months. Olacabs, the popular and smart cab service, will offer a cashback worth INR 800 on Ola money recharges where consumers will get INR 200 cashback per recharge for the first four recharges of INR 500 or higher.

On Lumia 640 being made available to consumersexclusively on Flipkart, Amitesh Jha, VP, Retail – Flipkart said, “We are excited to announce the exclusive launch of Microsoft Lumia 640 on Flipkart. Known for introducing innovative technology products in the Indian market, this new-age phone from Microsoft will offer a whole new proposition for our tech savvy customers. An extension of our smartphone category, we are positive that this product will sync well with the current customer needs.”

The Lumia 640 XL will be available across channels at a best buy price of INR 15,799/-and Lumia 640 will be available exclusively on Flipkart at the best buy price of INR 11,999/-, both starting 7th April, 2015.

Tech specs summary:

  Lumia 640 XL Dual SIM Lumia 640 Dual SIM
Operating system Windows Phone 8.1 with Lumia Denim Windows Phone 8.1 with Lumia Denim
HERE location services Free global HERE Maps and HERE Drive+ Free global HERE Maps and HERE Drive+
Display 5.7” HD (1280×720, 16:9) IPS, 259 PPI, Glance Screen, Corning Gorilla Glass 3
Sunlight readability enhancements
5” HD (1280×720, 16:9) IPS LCD, 294 PPI, Glance screen Corning Gorilla Glass 3
Sunlight readability enhancements
Battery 3000 mAhbattery 2500 mAhbattery
Processor 1.2 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor 1.2 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor
Main camera 13 MP AF, ZEISS optics, Lumia Camera 8 MP AF, LED Flash, Lumia Camera
Front facing camera 5 MP wide angle HD 0.9 MP Wide angle
Memory 8GB + 30 GB free on OneDrive[1], micro SD up to 128GB 8GB + 30 GB free on OneDrive[2], micro SD up to 128GB
Dimensions 144 g


About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services, devices and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

About Microsoft Devices

The Microsoft Devices Group includes award-winning hardware used by over a billion people around the world, including Lumia smartphones and tablets, Nokia mobile phones, Xbox hardware, Surface, Perceptive Pixel products, and accessories.

[1]15 GB of OneDrive access comes standard. Additional 15 GB of OneDrive access with activation of camera roll backup.

[2]15 GB of OneDrive access comes standard. Additional 15 GB of OneDrive access with activation of camera roll backup.

The first Mobile journey with Moto E

moto e

I have always wondered about the naming – smart phone. Some one was smart enough to coin that word and what has the world come to after that. In the process it also meant the pricing for smart phone has also made it more elitist until ofcourse the android phones became the buzz word.

I remember the style quotient with the Motorola RAZR v3i the flip phone. a proud owner of that phone especially when the stars in the movies actually flaunted it. For the matter of fact my first phone was a Motorola, the one with a monochrome, yellow display and large digital display. So you can be sure about Motorola anytime and everytime.

Now they have upped the game with the new Moto E and what an imaginative smart phone they have brought to the table. Absolutely matching the best features and in their own word that wont cost you the bank.

Something like bringing the redefined luxury of a premium cars to the sedans on road! An ideal way to choose to start your mobile journey with Moto E. StartwithMotoE

For the first timer this phone is loaded with features which was already getting rave review with the earlier version and yet for the first timer you could be in for a lot of surprises. The latest of OS, Android Lollipop. Tastes better for sure! Just kidding you deserve the latest and therefore it comes with the latest OS the mobile world is running on.

4G – yes you heard it right, it comes with 4G and makes you view the latest of all videos at crazy speeds, why should you be let down by speed. How about this for #choosetostart literally at the latest 4G LTE speeds. Play games, stream videos, listen to music and browse the web all at speeds that you will be envied for.


Multitasking is in your genes and then ofcourse why not your smart phone. Moto E comes with  powerful Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ processor with a 1.2GHz quad-core CPU and advanced graphics. Lets you switch back and forth with business and personal work at ease or play games and check mails at the same time. Now its time to be faster more than ever.

Taking pictures with your smartphone is now much faster with two cameras –  a 5-megapixel rear-facing camera and a second camera in front. A world of selfies await you so does shots that you want to cherish for posterity. The best of all the Quick capture makes it easy with just the wrist action to change from primary to secondary camera to take selfies at just a twist, yes all without touching the screen ever.


This is what the team has to say!

Quick Capture has been one of the most popular features we have on Moto X. So we decided to bring it to Moto E, too. It’s just one more way we are able to bring our premium innovation into a smartphone that doesn’t break the bank.

– MICHELLE GATTUSO / Product Management  Director

Moto E just added a dash of color to your life with colorful interchangeable bands and grip shells. For once you don’t have to spend a fortune on a phone and then also on the panels. Be colorful with your

And whats the fun if you dont have a battery to support all that you read just now! Yes the Moto E comes with a 2390 mAh battery, keeping you live and kicking all day!

And just in case you wanted to have a taste of all that watch this video! (features in a nutshell)

I know all the ‘first’ times are really memorable one as much as your going smart phone for the first time with Moto E will be. A definitely a great way to #choosetostart. An unforgettable first smartphone experience awaits you.


Microsoft Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL: keeping you prepared for anything

BARCELONA, Spain — March 2, 2015 — Today at Mobile World Congress 2015, Microsoft Corp. introduced Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL, two new smartphones that give people greater flexibility and freedom to choose when and where they get things done. Both phones are upgradeable to Windows 10, which offers more personal computing and greater productivity, and will be available later this year.

In a competitive marketplace, Microsoft continues to deliver innovative smartphone experiences at all price points. Both devices offer the seamless integration of hardware essentials — with a choice of screen sizes and camera capabilities — and Microsoft services to offer incredible productivity with affordability. With Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL, people are prepared for anything — for work, at home and on the go:

  • Smoothly and quickly access important documents or run popular websites, apps and games thanks to the onboard 1 GB of memory and powerful Qualcomm ® Snapdragon ™ processor featuring quad-core CPU running at 1.2GHz.
  • Enjoy photos and videos on a crisp high-definition (HD) display — either 5 inches on Lumia 640 or 5.7 inches on Lumia 640 XL.
  • Power through the day with battery to spare with a long-lasting battery — 2500 mAh for Lumia 640 and 3000 mAh for Lumia 640 XL.
  • Capture detail-rich photos even in low light with the 8MP camera on Lumia 640 or 13MP ZEISS optics on Lumia 640 XL. Both feature LED flash, a front-facing camera for Skype video calling, and Lumia Camera software right out of the box.
  • Enjoy the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1 and the Lumia Denim update, complete with one-swipe Action Center, Word Flow and Live Folders. People can also upgrade Lumia 640 and 640 XL to Windows 10 and enjoy its benefits as it becomes available later this year.
  • Have the best of both worlds with LTE support available on dual-SIM models for the first time. In addition, all dual-SIM models will feature Smart Dual SIM to help ensure people never miss a call.

Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL customers will be able to access new Windows 10 features and innovation through the Windows Insider Program, as well as upgrade to Windows 10 later this year. Key features and improvements of Windows 10 include new universal apps such as Office, Mail and Calendar, and Photos; Internet Protocol-based messaging from Skype and others integrated directly into the messaging experience; an entirely new browsing experience with the new Project Spartan browser; and extended integration of the Cortana personal assistant.

Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL also come with a one-year subscription to Office 365 Personal, which includes the latest Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote) on the Lumia as well as on one PC or Mac and one tablet, plus 1TB of OneDrive storage, and 60 free minutes of Skype Unlimited Worldwide calling per month.**

“Our newest Lumia devices build on our momentum in the affordable smartphones space,” said Jo Harlow, corporate vice president for Phones at Microsoft. “With the Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL, we continue to make innovation accessible to more people. We have packaged competitive hardware with innovative Windows software and Microsoft services to help you achieve more, wherever and whenever you want.”

Lumia 640 XL will begin rolling out globally in March and will be available in matte cyan, orange and black, as well as both matte and glossy white. Lumia 640 will be available starting in April and will be available in glossy cyan, orange and white, as well as matte black. Both Lumia 640 and Lumia 640 XL will be available in single-SIM and dual-SIM LTE and dual-SIM 3G variants. Lumia 640 XL will also be available as a single-SIM 3G variant. Pricing will vary by market and operator; Lumia 640 is estimated to be around 139 euros for the 3G model and 159 euros for the LTE model, before taxes and subsidies. Lumia 640 XL will be around 189 euros for 3G and 219 euros for LTE, before taxes and subsidies.

About Microsoft Devices

The Microsoft Devices Group includes award-winning hardware used by over a billion people around the world, including Lumia smartphones, Nokia ultra-affordable feature phones, Xbox hardware, Surface and Surface Hub, Microsoft Band, and HoloLens.

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services, devices and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

*Like any upgrade to a new operating system, not every phone will support all possible Windows 10 features.   Certain features and experiences will require more advanced future hardware.

**See for details. Skype account required. Excludes special, premium and non-geographic numbers. Calls to mobiles are for select countries only.  Skype available only in select countries.  See FAQ for details.

Microsoft Launches Lumia 532 and Lumia 435 at affordable prices…

Lumia532_Marketing_4_DSIM1 (1)


Bangalore, 20, February 2015 — Microsoft today launched its two most affordable Lumia devices till date, the Microsoft Lumia 532and Microsoft Lumia 435. With a great 5MP camera, premium layered design, Glance screen, front facing camera, 1GB Ram and more memory, Lumia 532 enables people to achieve their goals and accomplish more with the best of Microsoft’s experiences. The Lumia 435 is the first 400 series Lumia and the most affordable Lumia yet. Lumia 532 and Lumia 435 deliver competitive hardware alongside innovative software that will continue to receive the very latest updates and enhancements, keeping users up-to-date with the best new features.

Offering the latest Windows Phone 8.1 operating system and Lumia Denim, the Lumia 435 opens up the Lumia Windows Phone experience to even more people. Lumia 435 is available at a best buy price of INR 5999/- and Lumia 532 will be available at a best buy price of INR 6499/- starting 19th February, 2015.

The Lumia 532 and Lumia 435 bring the latest Windows Phone experiences to newer price points, without compromising on innovation and overall experiences

  • Comes with the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1 and the Lumia Denim update, complete with one-swipe Action Centre, Word Flow and Live Folders
  • Capture photos quickly and easily with Lumia Camera right out of the box, and take, edit and share great selfies with the front-facing camera and Lumia Selfie app
  • Smoothly enjoy all of your favourite websites, leading apps and games thanks to the on-board 1GB of memory, 8GB of on-board storage and a dual core processor on the Lumia 435. For those who want more power, the Lumia 532 comes with a quad core processor
  • Stay up-to-date with the best features through regular updates to Windows

More on the Go with the new Lumia 532 and Lumia 435

  • Make memorable Skype video calls and seamlessly switch between voice and video with built-in Skype integration and the front facing camera
  • Access, edit and share Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents and OneNote notebooks wherever you are, with the pre-installed Office suite
  • Save and sync photos, videos and Office documents securely with up to 30GB of free OneDrive cloud storage
  • Connect with work and personal e-mail while on the go, with Microsoft Outlook built-in

The India offer for Lumia 532 and Lumia 435

  • All Lumia 532 and Lumia 435 owners on Airtel subscriptions will get to enjoy 500 MB data internet pack per month, free of cost for 2 months.
  • Travellers can use the Windows Phone RedBus app on their Lumia 532 and Lumia 435 and get Rs. 1500/- worth of discounts on bus tickets over 6 single trips through the app (Rs. 250 off on every trip for 6 journeys – Valid for 6 months from the date of app activation)
  • Paytm, India’s largest mobile payments service will offer Rs. 750/- cashback of recharges through the Paytm app (Rs. 150 off every month for 5 months)
  • Consumers can now make your phonebook smarter with Truecaller, get 6 months of Truecaller Premium subscription worth Rs. 360/- free

Lumia 435 and Lumia 532 will begin rolling out in India in February. Both devices will be available in bright green, bright orange, white and black, and will be available in single and dual SIM variants.

Tech specs summary:

  Lumia 435 Lumia 532
Operating system Windows Phone 8.1 with Lumia Denim Windows Phone 8.1 with Lumia Denim
Display 4” WVGA 800×480 screen 4” WVGA 800×480 screen
Battery 1560 mAhbattery 1560 mAhbattery
Processor Dual Core Snapdragon 200 processor Quad Core Snapdragon 200 processor
Main camera 2 MP, Lumia Camera 5 MP, Lumia Camera, LED flash
Front facing camera VGA 0.3 MP VGA 0.3 MP
Memory 8GB + up to 30 GB free OneDrive, micro SD up to 128GB + 1GB RAM 8GB + up to 30 GB free OneDrive, micro SD up to 128GB + 1GB RAM

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services, devices and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

About Microsoft Devices

The Microsoft Devices Group includes award-winning hardware used by over a billion people around the world, including Lumia smartphones and tablets, Nokia mobile phones, Xbox hardware, Surface, Perceptive Pixel products, and accessories.