Category Archives: Poetry

On Wordsworth’s ‘To The Cuckoo’


That’s his name Wordsworth;
Each line of his – gold in worth.
Every reader will rejoice,
At this simple natural choice!

It is his greatness of course;
To make a poetic source,
Of a cuckoo – a common bird,
In its sublimes I have ever heard.

His profound love for nature;
The poetic definition of its stature,
All mixed perfectly in a blend,
To celebrate it would never end.

To me it opened the door,
To a new world a floor,
That a cuckoo – the spring singer,
Can be a subject to linger.

For me seeing the nature so keen,
To laud the creator to be seen,
Those lines of his proved that
A poem can be written on a black cat.

Yet to see, what other cant;
And  try if you want.
That’s the secret of the great poet
William Wordsworth!


(Circa – 1995 post reading the poem To the Cuckoo )

Stone or Statue

A stone lay there on the roadside,
None would care to look,
Nor was there any sculptor who took;
It to his imagined world aside.

It lay still for days unseen,
A burden for the earth it had been.
For all who saw it black and hard,
Had never tried to become a bard.

Time did pass, till one day a man;
Saw this large stone as everyone can.
But he saw something more in,
That into his dream world he took the stone in.

Then day and night he worked on,
Till he felt tired and torn.
And for days did he toil,
Like a farmer who does for his soil.

He carved and carved till,
It did his picture fill.
Then, one fine day when he finished-
The people gathered there were astonished.

All gazed and gazed, yet one
Curious, and worthy of none,
Asked the sculptor how he had been,
Able to see the form in the rock hardly seen.

Answered the humble sculptor “I see,
Also the Almighty Lord in thee”.

Senthilkumar R

(Based on stories – Circa 1993)

The Dark Side of Light by Sanil Sachar #Bookreview


Publisher Rupa Publications India
ISBN-10 8129139766
Number of Pages 200 Pages
Publication Year 2016
Language English
ISBN-13 9788129139764
Binding Hardcover

Sometimes the cover of the book says it all. The photograph on the cover gives you an idea of the title in a way. But the content in this book will leave you in dark for some time.

Travelling through the negative mind as we have known or being portrayed is a genre by itself, but Sanil Sachar takes it to a whole new level. Sometimes I think how he has been able to think through the thought of the thought.

The climax that he weaves at the end of the story is a sheer brilliance in prose and in such short captivating mastery of language and narration, he holds the attention span till the end of ever story.

That darkness can be celebrated is not often that you come across, but herein lies the trick and ofcourse you will sometimes think how it could be possible to be thinking exactly like the character you just met.

The best part is his taking us through the stories, the poetic prose and the real poetry with ease and keeping you mesmerized till you put the book down.

There are stories and there are poems that characterizes darkness explained like never before. The author / poet in Sanil Sachar seems to be at ease navigating the dark and traverses seamlessly across the prose and poetry with ease that’s probably only he can take pride in.

The words in poetry and prose leaves you with a visual imagery blended in the darkness of mind’s remotest corner. It would not be an understatement if I said he had a a bit of O Henry’s twist to the tales even thought they were dark. I refrain from using the word negative for the fact that I realised you could have it dark the way the author has woven stories after stories.

I think you take time to read sometimes break and then continue even as you let the words sink in.

Not to mention there are play scripts too to take time off from those serious words.

So that’s the book for you, pick it up for listening to some voices you thought would never speak or you would want to hear.

Now that you think you should take a read go over here to buy the book.


This is a part of Flipkart Book Review Program, and thanks Flipkart for sending the book.

A president who set a precedent! (A day with Dr. Kalam)


Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, these words are an inspiration as far as the younger lot is concerned. The name evokes a certain enigma which defies conventional apathy to politicians and the attitude people have come to expect of people in high places. This man is really supernatural.

One thing unseemingly, Mulayam Singh Yadav did was propose his name and make him the First citizen of this country. Of all things I like about politicians (though I hate them as a class they are,) this was the best thing they did to their country. Making Dr. APJ aka Kalam the president of the country.

This man is really a superhuman being. We are just out of the euphoria of having had him at our city for a full day. Literally, the president spent his full day talking to all the cross sections of the society and most importantly the children – on whom he has great faith that they will make the country the superpower he intends it to be.

(I have had the opportunity of watching him in close quarters years back because of my responsibility for the press. it was before he became the first citizen. he was the principal scientific adviser and donned himself the mantle of touring the country and meeting the children and talk with them. it is said if you have an agenda with children then you can easily get dr. Kalam to visit you. if it happened to be an academic institution, he would make it more easy.

The crowd was overflowing to see the man, who had already become an icon. He started talking in English and then when he wanted to quote Bharathiar, the Tamil poet he was all eloquence, and it flowed out of him so easily and it was form the heart. Earlier when he started the speech, one of the press corps friends of mine said, I think he is going to repeat what he did today morning (our event was slated for the evening) and he did start that way but he did make a real presentation. He had statistics with him he operates with a PowerPoint presentation. The more he wants to express the deeper the sincerity and warmth of expression. When he burst into pure classical Tamil, there was a round of applause to see him so easily recite the Kural and the Gita with elan, that everybody would be inspired to make something out of his/ her career.)

Not many would have tread a path Dr. Kalam chose, even with his career and they way he manages science and technology even today, I think it means a lot of hope for the scientific community at large. Watch him at SHAR and then watch him at a concert, this man is real god.

His presidency was something which gave every young Indian a dream to think about his country.

Now to the city visit.

The whole day he made it a point to be busy. We doubt if any political leader his age would really give appointments like Dr. Kalam does. Starting the day with an academic institution and ending the day with one of course he had time for one of his former classmates. How often do you think people in high places can make time for friends, and when you are a president? Lucky Mr. Sampath Kumar.

Everywhere people throng to meet him – have a glimpse of their idol.

“He has a soft corner for our city I suppose he has been regular” said one of the onlookers.

“It is just sheer inspiration watching him drives by.”

“I will tell my classmates that I saw the President.” of course who else a class 6 student.

Lot of reactions like this from the onlookers who are mostly students and youngsters in colleges.

He travelled almost 140 km inside our city limits that’s too much to ask of a nations’ president. I travel just 40 km in two instances of 20 each and I know how tough it is but only Dr. Kalam can make it, he is no ordinary man.

Our city limits can extend to maximum say 22 kms and talk of 140 km inside city limits.

He launches a Village resource centre under the auspices of the Amrita Deemed University, and a joint venture with ISRO of his yesteryears. He makes an impact with students out there and makes them pledge they will work and they will dream.

He even wanted them to repeat, when that wasn’t loud enough he asked if they all had their breakfast sending peals of laughter. (You need to laugh and it makes your day and others too) and no reading the paper business, though he comes prepared with one.

“For preparing the future generations for a knowledge based society, that lies ahead of them educational institutions should focus on capacity building, with a view to equip students with creativity and innovative skills, which would be relevant to the society.” he said.

Then he travels down to another far end of the city to inaugurate an international industrial exhibition. The best part is he knows what they are taking about be it engineering or technology. The man is full of ears to listen and to assimilate so that he can include in his vision.

He didn’t disappoint because he gave them a mission to accomplish:
• design and develop products for the world markets
• design is crucial for cost effectiveness
• focus on textile and healthcare
• be self reliant in critical technologies
• revive small scale industries
• buy component form local cottage industries

Then he is there back with student at another college. Interaction is the key and our president simply loves talking to students.

He meets up with an NGO Green Valley revolution and wishes them all the best when he is back at the circuit house for lunch.

He meets with the talk of the town NGO Siruthuli which has changed the ecological map of Coimbatore. It has also been a case study for corporate social responsibility.

He wanted this siruthuli to become a flood (Siruthuli in Tamil means a drop of water)

At 3.45 pm he hits the road this time at a hospital Ramakrishna Hospital. He dedicates the oncology institute to the nation with a resolve to network cancer hospitals across the country. Only this man can have a vision and mission so sacred.

4.45 pm he is at convocation at the centennial celebrating Tamil Nadu Agri University. His own playground i.e., convocation ceremonies, I mean.

The mantra for the second green revolution:

He outlined “soil to seed; seed to grain; grain to food and food to marketing” also stressing integrated development of agriculture.

Sure he is gone one up than Philip Kotler.

He crosses time barriers and then goes to another university. This one is named after his favourite poet Bharathiar.

Here he inaugurates the centre for Life sciences a joint venture by DRDO and the university.

All the while wherever he traveled the road is filled with the common man trying to have a glimpse of their people’ president.
Would you believe those people who hate waiting to see the politicians go by actually waited hours together in the night to have a glimpse of him? It happened when he went to see his friend. Though cordoned off they didn’t lose heart he perched on every inch of space to get a glimpse of their role model. Over 5000 people in a single colony road.

He didn’t disappoint either. He walked a few yards to greet everybody. Left to himself he would sign autograph. Maybe he would have thought let me join everybody, but he can’t since the protocols don’t allow him. still he does that quite often – breaking protocols, calls children and hugs them on stage and slows his car to wave his hands… and lot of other things to add.

Last news, he left the city at almost 10.00 pm. the schedule was at 7.25 pm

We love you Dr. Kalam. It has been a great day at Coimbatore.

We hope we will rise to your expectations and we are eager to see you around the next earliest opportunity.

We salute you Dr. Kalam. A son of the great land and a true citizen living a sainthood life.

One of a man kind, one in a billion, you are of course, our people’s President, who sets a precedent….

(PS: I wrote this on July 08, 2005 during his trip to Coimbatore. )

Lunchboxed on a valentines day #lunchboxANDyou

Well, let me tell you my friends, I never thought I would be writing this post. Seriously!

Until I was browsing the Indiblogger mail, may be that happened for a reason and possibly it was destined

Valentine’s day has never been my cup of tea. For someone who believes that every moment could be a valentine’s moment, all you need was to be in that realm of mental happiness be in touch and you know they are there for you. Someone who thinks telepathy happens for a reason.

But then times changed. I was introduced to her by my parents. On that day I didn’t even speak to her.  You know the way it works in the arranged marriage types. Every one talked. except may be us.

The beauty of relationship is in understanding things without having to say sometimes. I think that happened, and soon we started talking and today we are engaged.

So when everyone asks me how often do you call, I say sometimes, and those times are when there is a connect to say things and get to know us better. And that sometimes could be everyday or alternate days.

There is this acceptance of the dual nature that we are in our work, the way I have been with many companies in my career and she with just one all 14 years! A very digital and socially affable me against a minimal presence online from her side.

I now know there need not be common grounds in a relationship, possibly that would actually open up new points to understand the better of the other person. The beauty of a relationship is in understanding the other person, accommodating them in your world without reservations.

And talking of food, she loves chicken – always has a big taste for anything chicken, so I thought she could have some butter chicken and some biriyani for the lunchbox.  So this Valentine’s Day would be remembered for sure. The Lunchbox will be a memory of the bonding between us.

And a note, a very small one at that…

Chitra Dear,
Happy Valentines Day!
A special Lunchbox to celebrate the special day!
Thanks for being the special person in my life…
Have a memorable day!
Yours Senthil

At home for us eating together is a habit that has grown over the years, and there is a call to confirm if we are making it on time.
For all those who are celebrating your day don’t forget to make it special for the special person in your life whoever is your valentine.

This Valentine’s day make it special with a 8.00 pm premiere of  LunchBox the critically acclaimed movie only at check out the link here.

The Valentines Day Premiere!


Thanks #Indiblogger and &pictures for making this possible to celebrate this wonderful day in a special way.


The childhood

When I see him through the window,

I envy him for his lucky go life,

For he is carefree and cool every moment

While  I face things with strife.

They say I am childish when I bite nails,

But in his attempt to make us laugh never fails.

Life I wish was like his,

Which we are all now giving a miss

To enjoy as he is today,

And make the most of it everyday.

When at times I see him,

He smiles at me an innocent one,

To behold in itself is a scene to see.

And when he cries, we do laugh a little,

But he does make you go brittle.



Circa – 1996

Freedom Unleashed!

It’s a wild, wild world

A heavy traffic plying so fast

Destination bound, buses and cars.

Broken are the rules for the sake of it;

Discorded thoughts on business and profit.

A ruthless journey travelled everyday

With a faked smile to greet all we meet.

The paper always carry violent, vulgar words

Of Nations at war, of refugees, of bomblasts and of riots.

Man at arms and guns have not retired.

Man and arms together on a race to destruction ahead.

Me at war with my own self

A discord cannot be so perfect – a war of love,

Of religions, of Gods, of false men.

Humans ruthlessly killed

Like trees mercilessly felled

An imbalance reigns and its chaos all around.

We just witness and witness it happen

Its a land so free, so green

Freedom undefined, rights abused,

Corruption in high places and decadence at a record high.

Yet, the sun rises, the river flows

The cloud showers and the wind blows.

In perfect harmony – its the freedom unleashed!


Senthilkumar Rajappan

Circa – 1999

Broken Wheel – a #translation




I am

the broken wheel of a chariot.

But, nay forsake me not!

Who knows and whence,

in this unfortunate chakravyuh warfare,

challenging the whole band of mighty warriors,

the ever confident, Abhimanyu will fight and fall.

Knowing fully well, they are unfair;

all just and great warriors,

at the lone unarmed warrior

are pointing their thuderbolts.

At that time, I,

the broken wheel of a chariot,

am in his hands.

I endure all the blows!

I am the broken wheel of the chariot.

But forsake me not!

As the history of the society winds

and gets broken all of a sudden by falsehood –

who knows,

Truth may have to take refuge of a broken wheel!


Senthilkumar Rajappan

(Circa – 1996/97 Translated from Toota Pahiya – a hindi poem by National Poet Dharamvir Bharati)

Pic courtesy