Category Archives: Stories/storification

The 5th P of Electoral Marketing

Superstar Rajinikanth addresses after casting his vote during the South Indian Artists Association’s SIAA Election in

Let me admit this, this post has been long overdue, and procrastination has had an undue effect on this and I thought what better topic than the voter as a consumer. This is the season of election where I am living and my neighbouring state of Kerala.

My professional assignments have taken me to see how the political parties see these voters as consumers and fool them into buying their promise and come up trumps.

So I went back to see how these have evolved in the last few years and how one last election has changed the landscape to a different plane of activity as far as election is concerned.

How do you actually define your consumer. Work backwards, that might be the philosophy.

A party looks at the voter as a consumer. And the best part is the market or the target that it is all about. The product here is a 5-year government that is being sold to a very heterogeneous set of population.

The parties used to profile the market and differentiate in their own way not until the matrix of social studies came into play.

The matrix of 4Ps in play in elections is quite evident from the way they start announcing the candidates. Price, Place, Packaging and Promotion.

First P : Price
The Price here refers to the amount the candidate is willing to pay for the Party quite easily becomes the preference which they think can make up for the rest of the next three Ps. Quite obviously, this took a different dimension in Tirumangalam in Tamilnadu where each voter was given a price say ranging between 1000 – 2000 rupees to cast his vote in favour of a party. This was significant because it was also a bye election. This later came to be known as Tirumangalam Formula and was widely used by the opposition and won elections handsomely.
So what’s a little few crores when you can earn as much and more when you get to power in the next five years.

Second P : Place
The next P is the Place, its actually a suggestion by the Electin commission that makes it a reserved category seat in some cases. But otherwise the candidate needs to be a local. The national Parties are very strict about this sometimes, they believe the son of the soil card can be played to the advantage. So clearly in Kerala when Sreeshant was announced a candidate the opposition which no real issues picked on him as an outsider.

The Place factor also can be historical, say the DMK Stalwart contests from his hometown a bit of psychology and emotional appeal as if the constituency is going to be changed to a capital anytime soon. Mind you need to fool all the people only for that few days when the electoral code is in force.

Third P : Packaging
Let’s move to Packaging, what’s a product without the real deal – packaging, the inherent psyche of the consumer is that however good the product may be it is enhanced to the next level with some packaging and we see how important it is when it comes to FMCGs, I would rank the votes under the same category except that its once in five years.
The Packaging these days have now come to be done by professionals who can crunch data for you and give you a presentation that will floor you down and make it look like a book titled how to win elections by engineering a social divide across caste, community and religion. Again the closest the parties come to is the packaging of the castes, communal and religious overtones in subtle and sublime way that people think its ok for us to be hoodwinked and a sense of righteousness fills them when they are told that they belong to a clan of warriors or fighters or sometimes they will be known for their hard-line stance on caste or community lines.

Fourth P : Promotion
Now let’s talk about promotion. Those were days when you can actually do paid advertising but then today Election Commission thinks it’s got the rights to enforce at least some of the important statues and try to get an un influenced by media election. Of course you can discount the party owned and other media outlets, especially with reference to Tamil Nadu where I belong, I still wonder how Election Commission will be able to ideally have them accounted as a cost.

The last Parliament election made Social Media the darling of every party and the way Narendra Modi used it apart from his whirlwind tours made it an important instrument in his victory.

So we have digital making a great impact and there are different patterns appearing even Meme’s making it to the forefront. Whatsapp, Facebook, twitter are all used extensively to create touch points for communication. Ofcourse there are apps too which are making it happens. The digital with its targeting is making it a wonderful instrument. Even SMSes are being used across.

Fifth P : No guesses Its Prashanth Kishore
Now the post 2014 has given birth to a new P. It’s called Prashanth Kishore and that P has been able to make waves after Mission 2014 Its been easy till now with the Bihar elections in his bag The 5th P in election marketing is on a roll. Time will decide how it will fare in the near future.

The winner needs to get these 4Ps together in appropriate measure according to the place he is working on the ground. Not to forget the 5th P.

Urban has a social media edge meanwhile rural has the other side of offline marketing which also includes bribing with liquor, biriyani and money.

Now you might be asking me what will the consumer here aka the voter get. He gets to be laughed at for another 5 years. 😛

Now in case you are any of the state are in election mode and reading hope you did your sacred duty of voting!


PS: Incase you are asking me about the Picture its about an election but yeah nothing to do with the article, as much as citizens plight for the next five years

The Joy of Building with TATA TISCON


‘So Dad what was here before you built this house?’ Asked the Kid, an innocent question

‘It was a parched land son.’ the father answered.

‘From a land to this beautiful house, how did you build it?’ the kid again asked.

‘That is a joy of building my son especially the home for your beloved ones!’ the father replied.

Like in the anecdote above, a home is a dream come true and there is a certain emotion attached to building homes. Not for the same reason that they call it home otherwise every building would remain a house.
There is an inherent dream that is passed by in families or Indian families to say. Owning a house is a dream that everyone has and it’s a basic trait, a country where millions live and look to make their own roof, the ones who accomplished this enviable task would be relishing the joy of building that dream, however small that may be its his Taj or Antila for sure.

Now looking back, there are times when we would have known who are behind those building that we raise to build those nest for ourselves. Apart from the masons and the workers we have pretty much the cement and the bricks. On the concrete it’s the iron bars that hold the dream in literal sense.

Quite often the director in a movie is the man who holds the script together and extracts the performance but he remains in the background obvious to the star attraction the lead gets. Something like that is the role of the iron bar and there have been brands and brands but TATA the name which speaks trust and confidence has been in the business since long and has been the strength of some of the iconic structures that have been built in India.

delhi-metro lotus stock

On a personal level, the tryst with TATA happened when I was a part of Narain Karthikeyan’s F1 team in India in 2005. It was TATA which catapulted him to the F1 world with its sponsorship for the year. The year that followed and that preceded has taught me the value of trustworthiness, integrity and responsibility.

Each iron rod come with all these for TATA knows that you are not building a house, it’s a dream that is being built. And there in all these they know the joy of building.

TATA Tiscon is the result of some of the best technology being put to use. The technology extends to manufacturing Super Ductile (SD) rebars that are specially designed for construction in seismic prone zones. TATA TISCON 500 grade is the one in case you are building heavy-duty structures.  They provide superior strength even while reducing the quantum of steel required.

You have the Fe 500 D grade of steel, which ensures minimum sulphur and phosphorous content leading to fewer harmful impurities in the steel. TATA TISCON corrosion resistance steel (CRS) is made to a unique chemistry – which helps in resisting corrosion and is the used best in coastal areas, or where groundwater is brackish and areas where toxic gas emissions seriously impact the environment. As much as the challenges are given there is a solution that TATA Tiscon delivers.

We all know the joy of building and seeing the house completed is an emotion probably unparalleled… I can relate to it with house that was being built when I was young, I had the privilege of playing in the sand and spraying water to every little wall that was raised, the concrete and the final whitewash though it was in stages and to the place that we call home.

Today, we have a choice to make it with something that is known for its trust worthiness and make it an integral part of the building or rather the building blocks for the home.

An yeah the house has been built on a vacant space of land and home is imagination taken shape to include everyone and that’s all the more better when wireframed by ofcourse TATA Tiscon.

“This post is a part of the #BuildingBlogsOfJoy activity of TATA TISCON in association with

Ramayana The Game of Life – Stolen Hope by Shubha Vilas #bookreview

cover page with back page_stolen hope


Publisher Jaico Books
ISBN-10 8184958242
Edition 1
Publication Year 2016
Language English
ISBN-13 9788184958249
Binding Paperback

This is indeed a great pleasure personally for me to be reviewing the book. As usual the book is replete with lot of insights in ways of stories from all the versions and make for a great read.

The best part is we get to see a lot of folk tales also very well embedded and weaved in to the story and the rhythm of the story goes one step notch more with those inclusions.

On the other side its reflection of our way of getting our life organised in a way that is harmonic with ourselves, the family , the society and more so the nature around us.

This is the third in the series of Ramayana – Game of Life by Shubha Vilas, a retelling of the epic with life lessons that it gives in every page that you read through. Continuing his work of getting the meaning out of the words to get them close to reality, the author gives an insight into how the epics actually gives a taste of the real life.

The reading of this Series had evoked a great interest into the original works of Ramayana – Valmiki Ramayan, Tulsi Ramayana, the tamil original Kamba Ramayana etc. The gathering of stories and the life lessons that it offers to us in real time is what Shubha Vilas brings to the table in a easy to underst

and and appreciate format with references in case you want to look up.

In fact on a personal level I have been lucky to be reviewing these books and I am sure this is a part of the design if I may call it that. This is a must read and I am sure this will help us understand life and its mystical nature and also make us more proactive individual than a reactive individual that we are.

Stories can be just stories just that, but here the author elevates the story to a life transformation mode for those who seek it, and Ramayana and the story of Lord Ram is in full glow and the way his relationship to Lakshmana, Sita and his brothers are all so beautifully  engraved in words for us to enjoy.

The world out there is a bit of deception the maya at work. The way we look at it and how we react makes our life success or failure. Life is about relationships, those relationships that are sometimes ephemeral to the core and yet we need to preserve the aura and work to keep it live.

Even in business relationship we tend to have the loyalties and ethics close to the heart and work it accordingly. It is also a test of managing our conflicts within and come to solutions.

Inner Peace is guaranteed for sure. Pick this up and unravel the Ramayana in a new way, the easy to digest way and also help yourself with some tips to implement the learnings on the go.

Thanks to the author for sending me a nice autographed copy with a message. Will cherish them Shubha ji.

Go here to order this book : Flipkart | Amazon


On Wordsworth’s ‘To The Cuckoo’


That’s his name Wordsworth;
Each line of his – gold in worth.
Every reader will rejoice,
At this simple natural choice!

It is his greatness of course;
To make a poetic source,
Of a cuckoo – a common bird,
In its sublimes I have ever heard.

His profound love for nature;
The poetic definition of its stature,
All mixed perfectly in a blend,
To celebrate it would never end.

To me it opened the door,
To a new world a floor,
That a cuckoo – the spring singer,
Can be a subject to linger.

For me seeing the nature so keen,
To laud the creator to be seen,
Those lines of his proved that
A poem can be written on a black cat.

Yet to see, what other cant;
And  try if you want.
That’s the secret of the great poet
William Wordsworth!


(Circa – 1995 post reading the poem To the Cuckoo )

Stone or Statue

A stone lay there on the roadside,
None would care to look,
Nor was there any sculptor who took;
It to his imagined world aside.

It lay still for days unseen,
A burden for the earth it had been.
For all who saw it black and hard,
Had never tried to become a bard.

Time did pass, till one day a man;
Saw this large stone as everyone can.
But he saw something more in,
That into his dream world he took the stone in.

Then day and night he worked on,
Till he felt tired and torn.
And for days did he toil,
Like a farmer who does for his soil.

He carved and carved till,
It did his picture fill.
Then, one fine day when he finished-
The people gathered there were astonished.

All gazed and gazed, yet one
Curious, and worthy of none,
Asked the sculptor how he had been,
Able to see the form in the rock hardly seen.

Answered the humble sculptor “I see,
Also the Almighty Lord in thee”.

Senthilkumar R

(Based on stories – Circa 1993)

The Future and the #SmartTrucking phenomena


Indian roads have come of age and ever since the Golden Quadrilateral took shape the highways have had it the best of times and that meant the automobile drivers had easy task at hand and could deliver better vehicles and concentrate on making it more driver friendly.

The look and feel of the trucks got a makeover and today they are as customer savvy as much as they sell cars. We have seen the likes of many a brand and even the Mercedes, Man Trucks, and  Benz making their presence felt here.

The race to be the best had begun and there is no stopping them now. Mahindra with its #SmartTrucking concept has now started delivering some of the best in class truck options for the sauve consumer.

Some of the features that get a hands up includes great fuel economy, mileage, lesser breakdowns, service guarantee at breakdown point etc. Well technically there is this unique modular cylinders for engines that is responsible for low maintenance and repair cost.

The very thought of the truck is that ‘long drive’ perhaps getting things to people from one part of the country to another. The truck perhaps is a brand ambassador in quite a few places and when we discuss long drives, it has to be without any breakdowns at all, forget lesser break downs.

The long drives make for such an adventure, and when you know you have help at hand you get more confident and enjoy the driving across the terrain of the national highways. The drives have become more picturesque these days and the drivers have become more responsible in a way, and the #SmartTruck is one of the reason, they feel pampered. So #SmartTrucking has you covered when it comes to delivering goods which in turn is delivering happiness, delivering responsibly and delivering trust. And a break down is not just an incident, but reflects on the overall scheme of things and that when you have help at hand. #SmartTrucking doesn’t have break down points but then when there is the most unfortunate thing which happens inspite of you being a responsible driver, well that’s when you appreciate the lesser breakdown and help at hand!

The #SmartTrucking is a travel that is akin to our life journey that we have on this earth. There are places to stop, to reduce the speed, enjoy the road while it lasts and yeah keep looking into the mirror only when needed and yes bring on the better roads as we keep going ahead.

We will love the drive and the way the roads converge and how they look inspiring to lead the way to our destination. The long drives have always have had the philosophical bent of mind.

One of the basic aspects of being inside a truck is the ability to see things far and near. You get to have a view of things in your own style. #SmartTrucking today symbolises the most wonderful way to help those who help us by driving some of the biggest trucks.

Kudos to Mahindra for changing the way Trucks are see, built and deliver.

“I’m writing this blog post for the MTBD #SmartTrucking activity at BlogAdda.”



Mother, Wheres My Country? by Anubha Bhonsle #bookreview


Publisher Speaking Tiger
ISBN-10 9385288350
Edition 1
Number of Pages 256 Pages
Publication Year 2016
Language English
ISBN-13 9789385288357
Binding Hardcover

The title is as intriguing as the story that unfolds in the pages of this book, Mother, Where’s My Country? by Anubha Bhonsle.

The very affable TV anchor and the champion of Citizen Journalist, Anubha makes this book a compelling read with graphic imagery of what Manipur is all about. That the tyranny of distance has been shortened in this book is a very great attempt in bringing the stories from Manipur to the masses or even take them to the TV studios because of the way it has been written.

The imagery presented in this book is not just the lush green forest cover but uncovers the militant and the govt, the life and times of Irom Sharmila. An mammoth effort spread over long years of journalistic work, this book is a testament to true inquiring journalistic reporting of a story especially of the North East that comes into news only when there is an election or a riot. The everyday trespasses that the army or the naxal make against the dutiful citizens get mired in local press not much coverage again.

Heart rending stories, and anecdotes from first person account and trailing the Irom Sharmila’s fast all make for an intense storytelling. At time makes me wonder how we take our life for granted. We cant even adjust to some bad roads and some municipal issues, whereas there is a part of the country where rules are not rules nor laws are enforced.

Like P Sainath says in his quote this is perhaps a reflection of the North East and ofcourse the topic happens to be Manipur. This I am sure would be one of the best non fiction books to come in a long time. The context of North East makes it more compelling and the way  it has been presented to the audience is note worthy.

Engrossing read is probably an understatement, makes you immerse  yourself and think where’s my country, this book is a classic attempt by a journalist who knows what she is doing – going after truth at all cost.

You will thank me for this reco, I m sure! Check out the book and buy it here 

Thanks Flipkart for sending in the book for review as a part of Flipkart Book review program!


River of Flesh and other stories – Book Review



Publisher Speaking Tiger
ISBN-10 9385755587
Edition 1
Number of Pages 272 Pages
Publication Year 2016
Language English
ISBN-13 9789385755583
Binding Paperback

When I got a mail from Vivek Flipkart on two different books for review, it appealed to me in a way that this has got to be different probably, changing the way I would start looking at society.

I replied stating this must be a different perspective given the topic and how they have been seen in the way the society draws a line. So when the Sunny Leone interview happened the same time, it showed how deep those lines run in our mind rather than on the roads where these unprivileged women make the ends meet.

And to put together some of the most acclaimed writers in a collection must have been a task and getting to the topic on hand must have been a great decision by itself. I see this as a big and bold step simply because that was what ultimately got me to read this book. And the editor Ruchira Gupta has done a fabulous job on this front.

And when you read those stories you get to read those innocence writ on their lives and how those innocence has been tarnished and trampled to a state of prostitution.

It took sometime to realise the gravity of the context in each of these stories which come to life with words from some of the classic writers as Kamla Das, Indira Goswami to Mushi Premchand.

Poignant sometimes, rebellious sometimes,  meek and mild and varied the expressions are myriad in more ways than one.

This book also opens up to the regional intricacies and the thoughts that pervade through the countryside. Some the endings are sure to give you goose pumps and some make you sit up and almost have a stuck throat. Quite often the end is a dark twist of fate if you may call that. How would you rationalise the woman going to bed with another man in the darkness to feed a hungry, ailing husband a mouth full of gruel.

The characters will live with you for sometime and sometimes you will feel the bitterness of the words. I am amazed by the fact that some of the works are recreated in the sense translated and I could sense the emotion when I could connect with the original language and the author. (eg. Ponnagaram)

It’s not just the woman’s plight that is portrayed here but the whole of the society which gets the whiplashes from the authors through the characters.

Pick this book and you will be led to a neighborhood you didn’t want to walk through. Gripping stories narrated so intensely and with appeal that makes you think.

Check out and buy the book here


#TweetToFarmer an initiative by Mother Dairy Milk!

That was simply great to be able to ‪#‎TweetToFarmer‬ courtesy Mother Dairy Milk 🙂

Happy to be featured in the video by way of a tweet and love the happiness of the farmers featured there, without whom we wont have our daily food or rather daily milk!

This was a part of celebrating the Birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien the Man who made the Operation Flood a success that has made India the largest milk producing country in the world.

It feels lovely to see the video and those smiles and heartfelt messages, from them that they will keep them safe and cherish those messages made me overwhelmed. It was humbling to see those faces.

#MotherDairy celebrated India’s Milkman – Dr.Verghese Kurien’s birthday, by connecting urban consumers to the dairy farmers with a social initiative called #TweetToFarmer.

I loved tweeting to Farmers and for all we know we don’t give them their due. Happy to be a part of the video!

mothers dairy1 mothers dairy

This is the video for you 🙂


The ‘Fantastico’ feeling with Tata Zica at Goa!

The cars and Goa have an innate connection with my life and driving those charming drives in Goa is only too exciting. Another chance, another TATA car and you could not have asked for more.

This time with Indiblogger and Zica the new hatchback which will debut in the market early next year from the Tata stable. Of late with the introduction of Zest and the automatic version from the Tatas they have been making a serious effort to redefine the brand imagery that they have built from their first ever Indian Car – the Indica.

Here too the Zica is a short version of Zippy Car, which we soon found out that it lived up to its name. Zippy Car.

My travel perhaps to Goa was the longest or the lengthiest in relative terms which was a flight from hometown Coimbatore to Bangalore a day earlier on 4th and then joining the Bangalore buddies at the Bangalore Airport on the 5th early morning. Not to mention a flight missed getting back and then again Bangalore to Coimbatore.

Having a cousin in toe was nice. Arunraj, now an entrepreneur was also making his impact felt on the blogging scene and it’s nice to see him a part of the 60 lucky bloggers to drive the Zica.

The Indiblogger team left no stones unturned to make it a special trip right from the moment we got down at Goa to the time we got back. All those moments were special thank you so much Indiblogger and Team Tata Motors

The Zica a product of three year Research & development at the Tata Motors will be a defining moment for them. The classic Tata Grill has got a make over this time all black finish and a chrome logo and looks like a a bit of Jaguar impact on the front. The gleaming lines which take you to the sides and the headlamps all have been worked to a perfect drill.


The colours are a treat to the eyes and I can foresee these gleaming beauties parading across the streets in the days to come.


Ok let me make a confession this is going to be very exhaustive review. Like they did the ZEST as a platform, Tata Motors have come in with Zica as a Platform. A new challenger in the mid entry segment it boast of features that are on par with high end models. We will wait on the pricing and that would do the trick.

So this Zica is a passionate team work of three years as I had already mentioned, with inputs from their Italian counterpart, Tata was only willing to sport the international look that redefines the Tata stable.

Design Next

The classic example is the redesigned and revamped front grille, giving you ample sturdy and communicative look and adds to the aerodynamic stature of the car. The hexagonal imprint is very nice on the car. The head lamps, the parking lamp and tail lamps have been spruced up to make for a impact of a big car. This is as expressive as it can get greeting you with a confident and agile stance, talking of which I answered agile when asked about Messi in one word.

IMG_20151206_082040_HDR IMG_20151206_082026_HDR IMG_20151206_082110_HDR

Drive Next

And now the heart of the matter, er the car, in two fuel variants petrol and diesel have nice set of engines which will get you the power in the city’s traffic and also the fuel efficiency that matters to every Indian. The car which we drove came up with 30 kmpl on the Instant Fuel efficiency on the dashboard.

The petrol version sports the Revotron 1.2 L engine with first in segment multi drive modes on City and Eco giving us a peppy drive around the city and furl economy.



The Petrol version is powered by the Revotron 1.2 L engine delivering a power of 85PS and torque of 115Nm @3500 rpm. All aluminium makes it light and fuel efficient.

The diesel version is an all new 1.05 L Revotorq engine indigenously developed in-house deliver s optimum power of 70PS  and I must add it’s an aluminium engine which delivers a refined superior engine.


Advanced dual path suspension gives you enough leeway to go over the bumps and potholes that our Indian roads are famous for and 9th gen ABS is a standard with corner stability control for safer driver around the corners.

Connect Next

And talk of interiors and a fantastic job again here, the dashboard is very very chic with a body coloured lining in the sides sporting awing like feature and use of space to accommodate everything you wanted to get inside the car. Water can, a Pepsi can your iPad the way it should be taken up and a 240 litre space to boot.


You have the Connect – an integral part of Tata these days with their navigation system powered by Mapmyindia and a new music system of hotspots with a Juke Car app. Now everyone in the car becomes a DJ and put the next song on the line.

Image 8 Full Dashboard shot

So that was about the car in simple words… now to the event.

We all reached Goa, checked in to the Aliva Diwa, a beautiful place in its pristine beauty, red brick structures giving it an enamoured look.


Post registrations and refreshments and lunch, we started the day on a serious note going to the beach, white sand beaches and they had para gliding happening and it was a sight to watch.

Playing by the waves and some action filled football game later we returned back to the hotel around 5 pm. The game had its share of excitement and injury time, courtesy yours truly trying to save a goal and failing and crashing on the goal post. Roshan was summoned immediately  and he went into a doctor mode with some fine dressing on the toe.

The evening started off with some discussions on the fellow bloggers on how blogging is all happening and things like that. Some cool questions were laid to rest on the participation of food bloggers at an auto event.

The real event was the invite from Tata Motors to go to the Locker Room and find it an awesome place. We had a tshirt decked properly with our name card and a bit of information booklet the file a pen and the cute little pendrive. There was the nice water sipper too.

It was a beautiful scene to watch as everyone found theirs and were looking in awe, selfies and photographs were being clicked incessantly.



As this was on, they announced the arrival of the coach – Cyrus Sahukar, who came in with a whistle and lo the party began in all earnest in the dressing room.


The story of how Messi became the brand ambassador for Tata Motors and the reason why they took to Messi was shared fascinatingly by Delna Avari the Head of Marketing and Communications, Tata Motors. Then it was followed by the techno analysis and a passionate presentation of the car and its highlights by Prathap and Sunil.

Then the car was unveiled right in the middle of the field. And the whole team was there who were an integral part of the team Zica.


We got to ask question and got answers to how Zica is set to redefine the way the people look at the cars.

The evening then was led by the DJ and fellow bloggers taking to the stage not to mention Cyrus Sahukar also making it happen. A great end to an exciting day if you thought the advernture was yet to begin. Well the cars were to be driven tomo.

There are things which happen on a Sunday like a 5.45 am alarm from your hotel staff, that they were so duty conscious. Never mind some folks had slept a few hours before or may an hour before.

Team D4 : Vaishaki Mishra, yours Truly and Arun Raj


And we got ready to set out to drive and explore the countryside too we did really explore we will tell sometime later. We got a diesel car and it was nice, they already had a predetermined the route map.

They also had all the media one pen drive, one set of songs on the phone etc so we can use all the functionalities. The bottle holders were a sight to see.

In  one of the discussion with the teams they said its actually minor details that makes a lot of difference. One such minor alteration in the placement of partking brake handle gave a lot of space for one more bottle holder. Makes sense, Zica Sense.

The steering and the drive platform was almost the same as Zest, having tested the one it was nice. Very responsive and the turning radius was awesome you could cut corners without any hassle. The dashboard sported a nice look with instant fuel efficiency being marked as you drive.

The suspension didn’t disappoint it could take on large craters on the road, for a small car like this. The ride on the diesel was good on the long one and the switching between the City and Eco has an a telling impact in the way it responds with the bit of earnestness in City mode.

Check these pic on the modes and I also wanted to test the gears at each of their levels I think 4th gear stood on without much strain as you can see from this pic. Well add this you know which gear you are on on the dashboard!



The Music System on the Juke app gets connected and you can line up the songs – democratic setup everybody gets to line up their fav. In course of the presentation day before Delna has indeed put this up from the real time experience when you also want to listen to your fav.

Looks like there has been a lot of consumer insights which has gone into the interiors. check some of the offerings:

  • An ipad / tab holder
  • A Cold drink holder where it will remain cold for you to drink, preferably a can that is
  • A place near the steering for the driver to keep things handy
  • Enough and more bottle holders – 7 bottle holders and 2 cup holders
  • Charger on usb mode
  • Parking Ticket holder
  • Speakers on four doors giving you the best entertainment on the go

The AC works fine and is able to get to the back seat and that’s nice given that there are no special vents.

The have two sets of suspensions that take you on the most inimitable Indian roads. Well the boot space is optimum with 240 liters of boot space and there is a separate partition for tool kit.Image 2

Overall a nice package and I must say Tatas are making the strides by leap and they will deliver the punch that the market is so expecting them to in the next few days.

One thing I should mention here is the way the #madeofgreat campaign was brought about and made an impact to take Tata Motors to a different realm, I think that needs a separate blog by itself.

Thanks to Tata Motors, Indibloggers and a whole lot of our blogger friends making this event a fantastico for ever.

I leave you with this video, pardon me for my low voice.
