Tag Archives: Anuja Chauhan

Baaz by Anuja Chauhan – book review


  • Language: English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publisher: HarperCollins
  • Genre: Fiction
  • ISBN: 9789352644124, 9352644123
  • Edition: NA, 2017
  • Pages: 432

This is the second work that I am reviewing for this author and she doesn’t fail to impress. I think now she’s got that style of that Haryanvi, Punjaban or whatever you may want to define the language part and its pretty interesting when she puts them in simple and sometimes rustic way of dialect delivery and it actually adds spice to the story telling.

So here we have a story of the Air Force officer Ishaan Faujdaar aka Shanu and the opening in itself is pretty revealing of what you can expect in terms of adventure and I think there are instances that are very close to what the author has seen and it shows in the narrative peppered with real life takes.

It also is a kind of historical in the sense that the story has the war as a background and how the air force pilots played a huge role in making it happen. It is also a kind of life and times of an Air Force Officer. We get to see a glimpse of those days especially the way those days of war with Pakistan. It would be worth remembering that Air Force was an integral part in securing the win.

The protagonist in the novel and the lead characters are strung together with their work life ideations and the female characters with their assertive traits are Anuja Chauhans style of presenting the best in the plot.

And do you remember the Liril ad – the first one under the waterfall, you get to know how it was shot.

It also is worthwhile to remember this comes at a time of political up-manship in terms of nationalism and warmongering if I may put it that way. You can read it at a go and there are places you would feel its a bit lengthy but keeps the pace fast overall.

One more addition to her work, Anuja Chauhan characteristically makes it another work look so easy for her. Pick it up if you like romances especially the fauji ones and ofcourse some with advertising background.

Get to read why its also called or titled BAAZ!

This is a part of Flipkart sponsored Book Reviews. Thanks to Flipkart for the review copy.

To pick the book on Flipkart go here


The House That BJ Built by Anuja Chauhan – a book review


Publisher Westland
ISBN-10 9385152181
Book Type Fiction Book
Imprint Westland
Number of Pages 433 Pages
Publication Year 2015 May
Language English
ISBN-13 9789385152184
Binding Paperback

Let me start with a confession that I am reading Anuja Chauhan for the first time.

This book is a journey of the minds and the machinations of every character unfolding in front of us in a way that you can only imagine. All about the characters that occupy the house that BJ built.  The brashness of the language, adds a certain authenticity to the character’s lives is unforgettable. In case you have lived in New Delhi and you would want to get back there for atleast the way the action happens at No. 16 Hailey’s then this is a trip worth taking.

There is an eclectic mix of the bollywood, the family saga and the sisters in tow and ofcourse the big house in the plot. You would be a witness to many a whims and fancies and start thinking through the minds of the characters.

Probably that’s one of the biggest traits that the author has and makes you go with the flow.

The story of Bonu Singh  and whether she would give away her part of the hissa for the sale is the story, with her past especially her mom’s words ringing in her head.

You will enjoy the Punjabi dialect and the whole some family story of the sisters and the two characters in Bonu and Samar. Pick up this book for its sheers story telling ability and keeping you engrossed with the mind reading ability of the author.

The Delhi girls attitude and the Bollywood’s touch in the making of the characters would make you think if you are watching a bolly wood movie. Quite a possibility that this could even be a film in the making, well there is already a film in the making in the story!

Overall a nice read I would rate 3 stars out of 5 for the style of the author where she does the story telling very effortlessly. I had only this if there were too many characters in the book and may be we had too many stories nevertheless.

The book was sent to the blogger for a review by Flipkart. You can buy the book here: http://www.flipkart.com/house-b-j-built-english/p/itme6ahbmkhezb2k

Senthilkumar Rajappan