Tag Archives: cnn ibn

Just found something incredible!!!

Blogging has its own rewards, the best person who I would refer would be Mr. Kiruba Shankar, the nation’s blogger of repute as I call him, he is today CEO, Business Blogging Inc.

And today I am looking back and it should be admitted that it helped me on the days of my personal wreckage and it helped me on the best form of writing at o3.indiatimes.com/f1blogs

It was a great experience because I had lot of people visiting it and quite often I was featured on the Front page and it was a great hit. I went on well when my buddies voted me to win the Second best Sports blog or Runners up at O3 Awards 2006, You will find my name as Indian F1 fan (I hold a copyright as Indian F1 fan, being with Mr. Narain Karthikeyan helped), and blogging had helped me tell my views in a forthright and sometime diplomatic way.

I did try the same at blogger though I think it was not happening…

I also thought of my entrepreneurial vernture going down and started this thefailedentrepreneur.blogspot.com
but now seriously I lost the password to continue…

Now coming to this title of this writeup, I was gooooggling for my name
r senthilkumar and senthilkumar rajappan which happens to be full with my surname… not bad the results… though (check it urself)

This is something I wanna share here…I have been a big fan of CNN IBN though sometime I have been a critic too, anyways I think I been privileged to be on the same page as Rajdeep Sardesai, Sagarika Ghose, Suhasini Haider, and well well well Kris Srikkanth….and whole lot of people at CNN IBN….

Please find my presence at this page: http://ibnlive.in.com/blogs/display_blogs.html

And the realted blog at this url : http://ibnlive.in.com/blogs/iday2007/blog_story.php?id=46746
Thats cool na, thanks a lot CNN IBN, though this was done as early as 60th Independence day….

R Senthilkumar