Tag Archives: dreams

Road less travelled!


This is a very nice idea to think about especially when we see so many people going for the sameness in everything we do. A little bit of being offtrack I believe will be interesting in the sense that we will be different and doing what we want to do.

The call of your heart versus the stability of the mind in terms of looking at it practically will be a very important decision that you will have to take. Quite often we negate the call of the heart because its is not supported by logic and sometimes never by analysis.

The strength of your taking the road less taken is proportional to your being breathing that idea and living that idea. It should not be fashionable but be really worth it and we should be doing what we want to do in real terms.

These days becoming a writer or a cricketer has become the craze, simple because we get avenues ready and open to barge in. But the idea cannot be just a publishing author but be a phenomenon. Or be the cricketer every club should like to hire for IPL.

One more way to take the road less taken is to answer the question if we enjoy what we do, if not then we need to seek answers to that and finally get to identify if that was the calling of our life. Give wings to the dreams but again as you do so stand on your feet because you need to take that shot to fly in the sky.

You should be happy if you try this early in life, that’s when there isn’t any pressure for you to work for others. Not that you cannot find your calling later in the days but the time to execute would be a little less though it need not matter much.

While you are at it, I mean trying to find your calling, I have realized that we need to work our best to rise upto it and its a challenge much more than what we thought when we quit working for others.

It would have been easy sometimes working for others but when you work for yourself, there isn’t anyone overseeing you nor holding a performance appraisal for you, its all you and yourself actually. Get to that strength and stature as you decide to work your way to achieving your dreams.

Cheers! One post a day 29/30

Its never too late chase your dreams!

Never too late














As I was thinking what to write today I felt there was one thing that we don’t take ourselves seriously. Especially on chasing our dreams. We feel its too hard or we are too ambitious at times to chase the dream. And sometimes it will be that we think its too late to chase your dreams.

But if you look back at the best of the professionals or success stories it has always been that they have taken it up after people thought everything is over. Some days back I came across this infographic where it showed how people post 35 actually went on to make their life a success.

My favourite and a big guru of Advertising David Ogilvy started at 36. Here is an excerpt from an article:

“In 1948, at the age of just 37, David Ogilvy founded his first agency. It was named Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, a company that would eventually become Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide. Of course, Ogilvy wasn’t in this alone. The company was established on the back of an already successful London agency named Mather & Crowther, which quite handily was being run by his older brother Francis.

What’s more astonishing about this start-up agency is that, at this point in his life, David Ogilvy had never written an advertisement. Not even an idea for an outline for an ad. Some would call this arrogance. Others, stupidity. But Ogilvy had a confidence about him that was backed by hard work, astuteness and an irresistible charisma. He also had just $6000 in the bank. Not bad for an average joe’s savings account, but certainly not a fortune for an advertising agency in the heart of New York. From these humble beginnings, Ogilvy would build an empire.”

I think it needs conviction from one’s side to be doing what they want and achieve that by doing whatever it takes. The rest of the history of Ogilvy is for the world to see.

Just don’t let age be a factor in your pursuit of your dreams, may be there were other factors which were stopping you from chasing your dreams. Or in case you want more inspiration please turn to Colonel Sanders who started KFC at an age of 65.

Just think over this, in case you need to work on something it time to start now, may be you wanted to be writer, you wanted to own your garden or may be wanted to own a business close to your heart, its never too late! 

In case you want to check the image in higher resolution, please click: http://fundersandfounders.com/too-late-to-start-life-crisis/

Cheers to chasing your dreams!


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