Tag Archives: indiblogger

The ‘Fantastico’ feeling with Tata Zica at Goa!

The cars and Goa have an innate connection with my life and driving those charming drives in Goa is only too exciting. Another chance, another TATA car and you could not have asked for more.

This time with Indiblogger and Zica the new hatchback which will debut in the market early next year from the Tata stable. Of late with the introduction of Zest and the automatic version from the Tatas they have been making a serious effort to redefine the brand imagery that they have built from their first ever Indian Car – the Indica.

Here too the Zica is a short version of Zippy Car, which we soon found out that it lived up to its name. Zippy Car.

My travel perhaps to Goa was the longest or the lengthiest in relative terms which was a flight from hometown Coimbatore to Bangalore a day earlier on 4th and then joining the Bangalore buddies at the Bangalore Airport on the 5th early morning. Not to mention a flight missed getting back and then again Bangalore to Coimbatore.

Having a cousin in toe was nice. Arunraj, now an entrepreneur was also making his impact felt on the blogging scene and it’s nice to see him a part of the 60 lucky bloggers to drive the Zica.

The Indiblogger team left no stones unturned to make it a special trip right from the moment we got down at Goa to the time we got back. All those moments were special thank you so much Indiblogger and Team Tata Motors

The Zica a product of three year Research & development at the Tata Motors will be a defining moment for them. The classic Tata Grill has got a make over this time all black finish and a chrome logo and looks like a a bit of Jaguar impact on the front. The gleaming lines which take you to the sides and the headlamps all have been worked to a perfect drill.


The colours are a treat to the eyes and I can foresee these gleaming beauties parading across the streets in the days to come.


Ok let me make a confession this is going to be very exhaustive review. Like they did the ZEST as a platform, Tata Motors have come in with Zica as a Platform. A new challenger in the mid entry segment it boast of features that are on par with high end models. We will wait on the pricing and that would do the trick.

So this Zica is a passionate team work of three years as I had already mentioned, with inputs from their Italian counterpart, Tata was only willing to sport the international look that redefines the Tata stable.

Design Next

The classic example is the redesigned and revamped front grille, giving you ample sturdy and communicative look and adds to the aerodynamic stature of the car. The hexagonal imprint is very nice on the car. The head lamps, the parking lamp and tail lamps have been spruced up to make for a impact of a big car. This is as expressive as it can get greeting you with a confident and agile stance, talking of which I answered agile when asked about Messi in one word.

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Drive Next

And now the heart of the matter, er the car, in two fuel variants petrol and diesel have nice set of engines which will get you the power in the city’s traffic and also the fuel efficiency that matters to every Indian. The car which we drove came up with 30 kmpl on the Instant Fuel efficiency on the dashboard.

The petrol version sports the Revotron 1.2 L engine with first in segment multi drive modes on City and Eco giving us a peppy drive around the city and furl economy.



The Petrol version is powered by the Revotron 1.2 L engine delivering a power of 85PS and torque of 115Nm @3500 rpm. All aluminium makes it light and fuel efficient.

The diesel version is an all new 1.05 L Revotorq engine indigenously developed in-house deliver s optimum power of 70PS  and I must add it’s an aluminium engine which delivers a refined superior engine.


Advanced dual path suspension gives you enough leeway to go over the bumps and potholes that our Indian roads are famous for and 9th gen ABS is a standard with corner stability control for safer driver around the corners.

Connect Next

And talk of interiors and a fantastic job again here, the dashboard is very very chic with a body coloured lining in the sides sporting awing like feature and use of space to accommodate everything you wanted to get inside the car. Water can, a Pepsi can your iPad the way it should be taken up and a 240 litre space to boot.


You have the Connect – an integral part of Tata these days with their navigation system powered by Mapmyindia and a new music system of hotspots with a Juke Car app. Now everyone in the car becomes a DJ and put the next song on the line.

Image 8 Full Dashboard shot

So that was about the car in simple words… now to the event.

We all reached Goa, checked in to the Aliva Diwa, a beautiful place in its pristine beauty, red brick structures giving it an enamoured look.


Post registrations and refreshments and lunch, we started the day on a serious note going to the beach, white sand beaches and they had para gliding happening and it was a sight to watch.

Playing by the waves and some action filled football game later we returned back to the hotel around 5 pm. The game had its share of excitement and injury time, courtesy yours truly trying to save a goal and failing and crashing on the goal post. Roshan was summoned immediately  and he went into a doctor mode with some fine dressing on the toe.

The evening started off with some discussions on the fellow bloggers on how blogging is all happening and things like that. Some cool questions were laid to rest on the participation of food bloggers at an auto event.

The real event was the invite from Tata Motors to go to the Locker Room and find it an awesome place. We had a tshirt decked properly with our name card and a bit of information booklet the file a pen and the cute little pendrive. There was the nice water sipper too.

It was a beautiful scene to watch as everyone found theirs and were looking in awe, selfies and photographs were being clicked incessantly.



As this was on, they announced the arrival of the coach – Cyrus Sahukar, who came in with a whistle and lo the party began in all earnest in the dressing room.


The story of how Messi became the brand ambassador for Tata Motors and the reason why they took to Messi was shared fascinatingly by Delna Avari the Head of Marketing and Communications, Tata Motors. Then it was followed by the techno analysis and a passionate presentation of the car and its highlights by Prathap and Sunil.

Then the car was unveiled right in the middle of the field. And the whole team was there who were an integral part of the team Zica.


We got to ask question and got answers to how Zica is set to redefine the way the people look at the cars.

The evening then was led by the DJ and fellow bloggers taking to the stage not to mention Cyrus Sahukar also making it happen. A great end to an exciting day if you thought the advernture was yet to begin. Well the cars were to be driven tomo.

There are things which happen on a Sunday like a 5.45 am alarm from your hotel staff, that they were so duty conscious. Never mind some folks had slept a few hours before or may an hour before.

Team D4 : Vaishaki Mishra, yours Truly and Arun Raj


And we got ready to set out to drive and explore the countryside too we did really explore we will tell sometime later. We got a diesel car and it was nice, they already had a predetermined the route map.

They also had all the media one pen drive, one set of songs on the phone etc so we can use all the functionalities. The bottle holders were a sight to see.

In  one of the discussion with the teams they said its actually minor details that makes a lot of difference. One such minor alteration in the placement of partking brake handle gave a lot of space for one more bottle holder. Makes sense, Zica Sense.

The steering and the drive platform was almost the same as Zest, having tested the one it was nice. Very responsive and the turning radius was awesome you could cut corners without any hassle. The dashboard sported a nice look with instant fuel efficiency being marked as you drive.

The suspension didn’t disappoint it could take on large craters on the road, for a small car like this. The ride on the diesel was good on the long one and the switching between the City and Eco has an a telling impact in the way it responds with the bit of earnestness in City mode.

Check these pic on the modes and I also wanted to test the gears at each of their levels I think 4th gear stood on without much strain as you can see from this pic. Well add this you know which gear you are on on the dashboard!



The Music System on the Juke app gets connected and you can line up the songs – democratic setup everybody gets to line up their fav. In course of the presentation day before Delna has indeed put this up from the real time experience when you also want to listen to your fav.

Looks like there has been a lot of consumer insights which has gone into the interiors. check some of the offerings:

  • An ipad / tab holder
  • A Cold drink holder where it will remain cold for you to drink, preferably a can that is
  • A place near the steering for the driver to keep things handy
  • Enough and more bottle holders – 7 bottle holders and 2 cup holders
  • Charger on usb mode
  • Parking Ticket holder
  • Speakers on four doors giving you the best entertainment on the go

The AC works fine and is able to get to the back seat and that’s nice given that there are no special vents.

The have two sets of suspensions that take you on the most inimitable Indian roads. Well the boot space is optimum with 240 liters of boot space and there is a separate partition for tool kit.Image 2

Overall a nice package and I must say Tatas are making the strides by leap and they will deliver the punch that the market is so expecting them to in the next few days.

One thing I should mention here is the way the #madeofgreat campaign was brought about and made an impact to take Tata Motors to a different realm, I think that needs a separate blog by itself.

Thanks to Tata Motors, Indibloggers and a whole lot of our blogger friends making this event a fantastico for ever.

I leave you with this video, pardon me for my low voice.


Just the moments of togetherness #together

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I am an eternal optimist and know that I will pull it off. Its only a matter of time before things fall in place. During those moments when you feel that you are on the thin ice not necessarily true to the literal sense, still think you need some one who can say ‘yes that’s the way and don’t worry everything is gonna be alright’. That’s the time.  Those are life changing moments in small measure not so drastic for the world to see,  still needs someone who can say what you want to hear and boost your morale.

I know I can look upto him, my friend. Not much is in common with our careers and personal life. Never the less there seems to be the meeting of minds when we need to discuss and take a decision for good. This is when it matters the most. But we have had our time managed to meet at regular intervals at our favourite places.

At times there would be no talks and at times heated discussions, it all boils down to having to understand the others point of view. But more than that its the belief that there is someone behind you to back up your plan, your thoughts and someone to vet it for you in terms that you never fathomed it.

At times its just the meeting that makes it all worthwhile. Being together and sharing the things would make it easy. That’s kinda I know I can get myself assured feeling and moment.

The best part is this, sometimes its a monologue from my side at a stretch. It could be that we needed someone to listen. Infact helps to be listened to may be. Makes a lot of difference in the way we approach it after someone has heard us and decision is made. It also feels like its being more independent after such a meeting of togetherness.

The other side of it is he is not near these days. His presence is felt when I go to the places where we have been and have had our talks. That those places still seem to buzz on activities make it a nostalgic even today.

And there are times I take a walk all alone at night and then come back refreshed with an answer that has been prodding me. A lone walk with melodious music from the playlist of my mobile will add to the calming effect that is needed for you. There is a talk between one self and it makes you very clear on what the next step should be.


These online activities of Housing.com has certainly opened up a great way to interact with the online community of bloggers. Thanks Housing.com!

To be or not to be! #StartANewLife

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The times have been turbulent. Legally. The storm has ended. The sea was getting back to normal waves from being ruthless high tides. It was time to set sail. Literally. Five years back, looking ahead I boarded a train after one of my wellwisher friend said ‘get on to the next train.’ Lets get going. (On looking back that train was destined to Mumbai, where Housing.com started it all.)

Sometimes change is all you need and sometimes that’s so true for the place, which obviously gives you a sense of comfort. A sense of comfort zoned. Things can be ok an sometimes mediocre still you would want to continue. You don’t want to risk anything. maintain status quo. But you need that jolt that you can be better or there is a whole world waiting for you. Experiences and relationships that can change your life forever for the better.

It was going to be new place, new people, I would be building a new life literally. I reach Mumbai and with the help of my friend who happens to be my brothers classmate in Thane. I got to know he took the Western Expressway to go to work.

A week of searching houses and getting into a PG a Punjabi family at that. I was getting to work with new set of friends, well wishers, and fully expanded career in digital. The pace was  too good getting settled into the role was on the job in a matter of few days.

I was living the game. enjoying it if you ask me. It made all the difference. To look at the different aspect of life. To be you and make up for the lost time. That moment that I decided to leave hometown made all the difference in starting a new life.

You get a sense of what adaptability means and get used to everything new but that’s how the life is and if we can make it happen with those challenges then we have arrived.

You got to do your own things, all of a sudden, there are personal responsibilities, keeping things perfect. You are the master of the house. You get to do it the way you want. Keep it clean or dusty and the like…

Since then it has been a roller coaster ride career juggling a lot of things, and looking forward to more challenges everyday. It opened up new vistas and new way of thinking and also a bit on entrepreneurship which was latent made a come back.

This phase also got me to look at change in pace of a metro and was soon realizing the cinematic expressions first hand. A lot of things you get to know how life reflects the reel and vice versa. Looking back I knew that was a start that was very much needed.

Some time later I moved to Delhi, that again was a move that changed my ideas for better. Thats for another day.

if you ask me this video is a wonderful collection of the journey that comes in fulfillment to the newest logo on the block. Housing.com could not have expressed it better.


The pampered comfort #pampers

Pampers dry pants

The times have changed and so too is the way the kids’ demand. As much as you think they are pretty little kids who would not demand much more you are mistaken.

The arrival of the kids is one of the most awaited moments at home and then there is such a vibrance of energy with everyone that they try their best to be the kids best pal. Obviously its the mom and sometimes the dad who take the spot unless there are more relatives in the household.

The best part is the time they choose to sleep and it could be the day or night as they fancy. The ritual has changed with the Pampers Dry Baby Pants. They are pretty secure in the sense that the kids feel so happy about. It shows in the way they move unlike when they weren’t wearing the Pampers. Probably the dryness add to their sense of comfort all night or all day when they are out playing or just about to doze off.

They are their best friends especially when going out. The kids don’t feel the wetness more so helps to keep them clean and healthy. You can actually make out from the kids face if they have got the Pampers protection.

So to get the baby to his favorite things to do, probably the first thing is to be on a Pamper dry pant and his joy knows no bounds because he knows he can do anything he wants. Play, dance and freely wander around the house.

The best part is about the Pampers diapers is, this is designed with babies in mind. They come with lotions that moisturises and nourishes the baby skin. That actually helps the baby from rashes and roughness which are associated with diapers.

A magic gel layer helps absorb liquids and keep the surface dry up to 10 hours giving the kid the comfort and pampering that he deserves, well add to that they come in all sizes and remain dry through the night or day.

There is a change in the way the kids are happy and they way they go about their playfulness or being cute. It all perhaps starts with the right diapers and get pampered in that so all the worries are gone. You don’t have to think about the diaper part. Leave it to Pampers.

So the next time you think about the diapers its not just about the dryness on the outside that matters, its actually the dryness on the inside. And you will know how much difference it will make.

I am reminded of the kids song when you are happy and you know it clap your hands, and it so true with Pampers.

When the kids are wearing Pampers, you know it and of course the baby will clap his hands.


Lookup – A roof over the head #happyhours


I remember those days. Very stark in a way.

We were in a rented house and our house was being built. Brick by brick. We had our fun times, playing in the sands, building castles, making miniature kitchens and dinner served among us little friends.

A hazy remembrance of those still exists. Simply because the topography of our location has changed considerably in all those 30 years.

The house was being built and it had come to the RC level. We needed to get those set of RC mixers, those days we needed to build a step which will be a bridge from the mixer to the place where they mixed concrete was thrown to make a ceiling.

All the work was done and as the fate would have it, the engineer or so-called one disappeared with all the money meant for the next day. I didn’t know that day how frantic my dad and my mom was. But I got to know later how they had to literally ask every one in the family to help and also get loans at higher interest so that the work on that day – of the reinforced concrete was done.

A few weeks later, we moved into the partially built house with our belonging, we would be saving on the rent, though just one room was made with just built out of bricks and no windows and a make shift door in the front greeted us.

It took a few years of hard work to get on to making the desired house and now as I look back at the way how my parents have done it, its absolutely a miracle and sometimes do think how they made it. Almost some ten years to get the whole thing into a complete home. I knew all those moments when the home is done with people even if there is no complete building. I do reckon that’s how so many homeless and under privileged also live giving it a sense of accomplishment in their lives to have a roof over their head.

I know it was a sense of optimism that we can do better ahead, and sense of a positive future that we are looking ahead. This has been an inspiration in a sense that all you need is to look forward and things will fall in place.

Everytime I think about this, I look up to my parents perseverance and dogged determination to make it happen. Its a dream for any one to have a roof over your head. And sometimes the cost is not just the money that you might not have.


PS: I really loved the Housing.com’s  rebranding and that arrow showing upwards and the meaning can only be that of infinite possibilities.

Just take a look! https://housing.com/lookup


MYFIT – an ode to Power Dressing by Van Heusen

Everyone is unique; a fingerprint cannot be duplicated in another person. A DNA is unique. The one and only kind of things that makes us real.

That’s so important when you think about how you dress. Ideally clothes maketh a man! Shakespearean or otherwise it’s true to a great extent. Now when we want to dress up what do we do. Go shopping. There is a thrill attached to it. Ask the ever gentle ladies that would be the best thing to happen for them.  Shopping.  Period.

As for us men, we have a chance to be the best, we need to work a bit hard. One size doesn’t fit all and when was that you could have the best dressing in terms of body type, either you have a broad shoulder or an athletic figure, you don’t get a shirt to fit.

Just check for your stores or you could go to a Van Heusen store and pick your choicest stuff. You know that’s an investment into personal branding if you ask me picking up things at Van Heusen. Who wouldn’t want Power Dressing?

Imagine the same Power Dressing taken to a next level. Thats MYFIT for you from Van Heusen.

I was thrilled beyond limits when I got to know I am a part of the MYFIT campaign by Indiblogger. So the very next day I made a visit and check out my sizes with the help of the Store Assistant. I tried a near couple set of dress and made a note and then went on to purchase the perfect one from Trendin.com 

Stepping into MY FIT at Van Heusen Exclusive store, when they say Gauranteed to fit they mean it to the last word. If you have doubts you can see some of the pictures later in the blog.


The Way for you to choose the MY FIT trousers… pick the one which makes you look best. You have a smug fit, custom fit, slim fit, ultra slim and healthy fit all designed to give you the right shape and fit for your body. I chose a Custom fit.


Add the shirts to the list, choose from the different sizes, for your body type and shape, you could choose from Custom, Slim, Healthy, Plus, Athletic or Tall.


I did try some to get the best combination of slim or custom shirt. I chose a slim 40 for my shirt which fit in well. After being fully convinced and being your own self trying out the sizes and looking at he mirror where a power packed you is reflected, I was done with step one of my adventure. In fact the best part is I could get the combination of a slim fit and a custom fit only with MY FIT!


I should add the store assistant was very helpful in getting the right fit / set which will look best on me.   I also had a look at the catalogue of the fabrics available for both shirts and trousers, some of the designs Now to the online part of choosing the right fit. Now that I have my numbers handy including the height it was time to log in MYFIT on Trendin!

Logged into Trendin.com and checked into the MYFIT store!


You choose Shirts / Trouser and start customising to the effect.

Choosing the shirt was nice, since I had the numbers handy I chose the slim fit for the body type: Options in the bracket below.

1. Body Type: Slim Fit  ( Custom/Tall/Athletic/Plus/Healthy )
2. Size: 40 (You choose yours)
3. Fabric: Fabric 3 ( a choice based availability / price )
4. Sleeve: Full ( Half )
5. Sleeve length: Standard (+1 / -1 inch)
6.Collar: Half Cut away ( Mandarin )
7.Cuff: Double ( Chisel )

Now on to the Trousers,

1. Body Type: Custom ( Snug/Slim/Ultra Slim/Healthy )
2. Style: Pleated ( Flat front )
3. Size: 34 ( Choose yours )
4. Fabric: Formal ( You can choose from Cotton / Formals / Premium Formals )
5. Trouser Length: 31 ( add yours or if you don’t know leave it blank )

All done and paid up by the voucher and signed out now waiting for the real thing to arrive.

In all this, I was very pleasantly surprised at the way they have used customer intelligence and made it a fine art even while shopping online. The way it got me through the navigation was perfect. Kudos to the design team.

And then it arrived one day, very nicely packed must I say power packed.


I could feel a sense of elation, the way its has been packed and delivered. It was time to get dressed and feel the power.


There was a sense of exuberance and a sense of elation when you wear it and feel the power and also the right fit. With this I am sure they have taken the MY FIT to the level that they had envisaged. This I am sure will change the way Power Dressing is done from now onwards. Bringing you closest to the perfect fit that you have always wanted from Van Heusen.

I am not adding more screenshots here, please visit the site for yourself and I am sure you will amazed and end up buying for sure. Let me also add you can order the same at the store too with all the specification for the fabrics that you want. A way of touch and feel with respect to the clothing that you are looking for.

MYFIT is surely a comfort and a custom fit par excellence.

My sincere thanks to folks at Indiblogger, for this awesome activity and being a part of this Van Heusen power dressing campaign – MYFIT.

Senthilkumar R

Look at my valentine! I,Me Myself! #unconditionallove


Being lost in love to yourself is the best part. And when you have a phone that can just let you be yourself, why do you need a Valentine? eh? Here goes the reasons why Asus Zenphone is the first and the last Valentine!

The High definition Display screen

Watch the images come alive on the screen with IPS technology rendering wide viewing angle to the display enhancing the video viewing experience.  And don’t forget you can navigate through multiple applications on this large touchscreen with ease. with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels it provides clearer images with brilliant contrast quality.

The power to be worry free is a great feeling!

Only when you have an Asus Zenphone do you think more of yourself than worry for so many things. You know when you are powered by Intel Atom Processor which is energy efficient and lets you do what you like talk or play without worrying for you battery

An third eye you would love!

A camera so great makes for your third eye, so you get pictures that others cant. Yeah when you have a 5 element optical high quality lens to click pictures and which has sensor with larger aperture allowing more light and delivering great and finer details to your picture. Click pictures like never before so those moments can be lived again.

As much as you would love yourself, you will end up clicking the most self loving selfies as you have a wonderful camera on the front. Click click click all the way everytime you enjoy being yourself.

Play like no one else..

You are a gaming freak and yes play like never before. With Intel inside and graphics supported you are in for a great time play and never a dull moment again. Your Valentine knows you better than ever.

Multitasking like you

There are so many things you want to accomplish and then ofcourse you get that done your way. Asus Zenfone is your companion helping you work getting it over multitask with the power of the Intel inside – browse the web, stream videos and play games all at a go..

The colour full panels 

Trust Asus to make it more colorful for all your occasions or your ward robe. The panels will make you flaunt your phone like a new one every occasion you go to. With s many colors to choose from this is going to give you the right match when you need.

There is enough and more reasons for you to choose Asus Zenfone as your valentine. I am sure this will be great match for those young at heart . S0 you meet your match with a Asus Zenfone. Check out the options that you have to get your most admired Valentine here: http://www.flipkart.com/asus.

Need more reason to see why Asus Zenfone will be your Valentine, watch this video…. making you feel good that you do have a valentine!

This is a part of Indiblogger #HappyHours…


Lunchboxed on a valentines day #lunchboxANDyou

Well, let me tell you my friends, I never thought I would be writing this post. Seriously!

Until I was browsing the Indiblogger mail, may be that happened for a reason and possibly it was destined

Valentine’s day has never been my cup of tea. For someone who believes that every moment could be a valentine’s moment, all you need was to be in that realm of mental happiness be in touch and you know they are there for you. Someone who thinks telepathy happens for a reason.

But then times changed. I was introduced to her by my parents. On that day I didn’t even speak to her.  You know the way it works in the arranged marriage types. Every one talked. except may be us.

The beauty of relationship is in understanding things without having to say sometimes. I think that happened, and soon we started talking and today we are engaged.

So when everyone asks me how often do you call, I say sometimes, and those times are when there is a connect to say things and get to know us better. And that sometimes could be everyday or alternate days.

There is this acceptance of the dual nature that we are in our work, the way I have been with many companies in my career and she with just one all 14 years! A very digital and socially affable me against a minimal presence online from her side.

I now know there need not be common grounds in a relationship, possibly that would actually open up new points to understand the better of the other person. The beauty of a relationship is in understanding the other person, accommodating them in your world without reservations.

And talking of food, she loves chicken – always has a big taste for anything chicken, so I thought she could have some butter chicken and some biriyani for the lunchbox.  So this Valentine’s Day would be remembered for sure. The Lunchbox will be a memory of the bonding between us.

And a note, a very small one at that…

Chitra Dear,
Happy Valentines Day!
A special Lunchbox to celebrate the special day!
Thanks for being the special person in my life…
Have a memorable day!
Yours Senthil

At home for us eating together is a habit that has grown over the years, and there is a call to confirm if we are making it on time.
For all those who are celebrating your day don’t forget to make it special for the special person in your life whoever is your valentine.

This Valentine’s day make it special with a 8.00 pm premiere of  LunchBox the critically acclaimed movie only at ANDPictures.in check out the link here.

The Valentines Day Premiere!


Thanks #Indiblogger and &pictures for making this possible to celebrate this wonderful day in a special way.


Get Quikr NXT! Chat your way to a sale!


SO Quikr is getting quick at innovation. Ask me why, simple the reason why people are getting on with Whatsapp, well you got ! Its the way people are getting to chat, like fish to water.

I have been a user already and some of the best part of the listing have already been detailed in my old blog post.

And when they announced the Chat as a feature I am sure the company has its customers beat with it. Now to the Chat Messenger NXT across the app and the desktop, thats a big leap for a classifieds site to do that a chat as a part of their service at no cost.


So here the screenshot show the NXT at the right hand corner and you are ready to chat away sell or buy things as you chat.

So why is it that great?? you ask me. Let me explain.  Take a look at the screen shot below!


There are many reason but lets take the three which impressed me the most.

1. Real Time : I want to sell it now! Well get on with that on chat. You know you got a customer on line. That’s the easy way it works. You know the party is online and then talk with them once you have initiated the chat.  No need to call and then disturb both ways.

2. Instantly Share Images: Well we all know a picture is worth a thousand words – truly put send them as many angles you want them to see the product and convince themselves before they buy it out. I think this is one of the killer ideas to have in the chat. Any doubt will be laid to rest and they can finalize the deal faster. And yeah it is done with a click as easy it can get.

3. Make your contact details private: Privacy Privacy and privacy! Oh forget that, unless you are a dealer, getting our number online is pretty tough. Open to tele-marketing calls and what not, and you might get calls long after the product is sold and many more instances where you just think why did I have to give my number to everyone even if they wont buy the product at the end of half an hour call!

Now that’s not gonna happen again. You decide to take a call only when you want to finalise for sure. Your number remains yours isn’t that a great way to sell or shop?

Apart from that you can archive the chats and also block unwanted chats too. Now who said you need to shout all the way to sell your products online. Chat your way to selling  or buying something you want to sell / buy.

Welcome to Quikr NXT chat.


This is a part of #indiblogger #happyhours

The Mouse Charmers – Digital Pioneers of India by Anuradha Goyal #Bookreview

the mouse charmers

A nice classic if I can call it for the start-up community and the entrepreneur in you. I know the author as the quintessential blogger and this is a nice compilation of the stories that have impacted our life.  With the impact of internet and the mobile only going to go higher in our lives we need to know these companies from the inside out. And this book achieves that.

The story and the narration of the companies and the business model and the technology being laid thread bare makes you appreciate the nuances with ease and may be kindle the entrepreneur in you.

After reading this I felt we need more stories like this should be introduced to the young people so they can take the risks and look at the entrepreneurial journey at an young age.

The author has taken the 3 Cs – Commerce, Content and Connectors as the theme and woven a nice story around the customer and the company in question. This will surely be an eyeopener for the readers in a way they are introduced to these companies.

She has got it with the three Cs. Obviously we have more players and I am sure the constraint in the space would be the reason for not getting others in here. Nevertheless it has achieved the purpose.

I would recommend this to any one who is thinking about entrepreneurship especially in the technology domain. Though the times and technologies have changed, the inherent spirit of the entrepreneur and the way he goes about will remain the same.

I am sure you would be able to find your calling or niche and also sometimes make judgement about your business plan when you read this book. You would easily find the answers at ease.

I don’t want to write in with each companies specified here but I am sure these will serve as lessons on both sides, success becuase they have and for us how not to do it.

One thing I must mention is that Indiblogger is also a part of this stories under the connectors. Thanks Indiblogger for sending in this book!

A nice read and highly recommended one at that – startups and those starting up, the time you invest here in this book will be doubly rewarded.


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