Tag Archives: my role model

My Mommy greatest! My Role Model


Hailing from a very lower middle class family and making it up to a govt job as a mechanic and retiring as a senior foreman, all the while making sure that kids have the best in education and more so make investments at the right time mange finances minutely and see them well off.

Thats in a nutshell Dad’s life. All through the life he was living for the dream of the kids and the family, working overtime and saving money in ppf so that we can pay the yearly fees which was a kind of help extended by my school.

Al thorough I have not seen him negative at any point in time. Sometimes looking back I wonder if it was all possible at that time or how on earth did we pull it off. This has ingrained in us siblings to look at life in a perspective not jump at decisions.

We have learned a lot from him on what to expect from life and how to turn an adversity into an opportunity. And at some time he has also taught us the value of self respect. That has also stuck to us in many ways than one.

Even in the worst of circumstances, its always been an inspiration to look up to him and try to imbibe those traits in us. One more he has taught us is to be ourselves and take decisions in the right way irrespective of the circumstances. Keep yourself honest and always be a person with integrity and that would make it a success for oneself though the yardstick may vary for different set of people.

We have learnt quite a lot and still its tough to digest how its been this journey of life. A lot to go on and I keep looking back at those days to see how we have grown and still growing.

In all this there was another person who would stand to support him, ofcourse it was our Mom! 🙂

I am writing about #MyRoleModel as a part of the activity by Gillette India in association with BlogAdda.com.

Senthilkumar Rajappan

Narain Karthikeyan – My Role Model


Narain Karthikeyan
Narain Karthikeyan

One of the most interesting part of my career and one of the best jobs ever was being manager to ‘the fastest Indian in the world’ Narain Karthikeyan’s manager. Though it was just a manager’s  role , it led me to a world of opportunities to explore and work through.

The fascinating aspect of this role is what presented an opportunity to watch this one of India’s sporting sensations and only one of the kind of human being at a very close range, reporting to him.

One of the character traits of Narain Karthikeyan is perseverance and never let go attitude. It has been an asset in his nature to be the persevering self right through his career. If anyone else was in his place I am sure there would not have been the first Indian in F1 till date.

I have watched the positivity and the never let go trait working in his favour by sheer instinct if you call it. Possibilities when you are made of such stuff, the heavens do conspire to make it happen.

To give you a classic example, we did a shoot for Vijay TV – the Star TV Tamil channel a two week episode, and Narain almost said as many times he looks forward to be the first Indian in Formula 1 history. This was just 3 months prior to the announcement.

When the news unravelled I sat reliving all those moments when he was so positive, a classic example I saw of positive thinking, given that no one has ever completed a season with any team except Narain Karthikeyan.

He will remain my role model for his perserverance, positivity and never say never attitude till the goal was reached.

I am sure one day I would be able to recall all those moments in a memoir 🙂 aptly titled ‘My F1 years!’

I am writing about #MyRoleModel as a part of the activity by Gillette India in association with BlogAdda.com.
