Tag Archives: Rajdeep Sardesai

Open Letter to Rajdeep Sardesai!


Dear Rajdeep Sardesai,

I thought the elections are over. I happened to watch your Headlines Today reporting from Madison Square.

Were you in your mind to ask a question that only 30% of the people have voted for Mr. Modi.  I thought India always had a first past the post system ever since we got independence. You guys are talking as if this is the first time elections are being held. Get over it. Get over it. The elections are over and Mr. Narendra Modi is THE Prime Minister of India.

By the way what was th
e agenda to ask questions on will one man be able to change things, Are you a moron, if you know history, one M K Gandhi was a single man who went against the British, so much for one man able to do it.

Then what was the ‘did you buy the ticket and for how much’, where were you thinking you were standing in remote corners of the villages where they have to be paid. Nor were you ignorant of the Modi Wave that was evident in NRI’s backing Modi. Btw what were you trying to convey!

And what was that about class? Boss, you have no business about it, and why do you have to rein in Modi everytime you have an opinion. So can I take it that after watching your first fistful in that video that everyone in your family is a moron and take your family name!

For an Editor who ran CNN IBN to use those cuss words was the last refuge of the redemption. And you think you can get away with it and still go around the world playing victim. Probably you didn’t see the video evidence coming.

Boss times have changed. If you ask me if you wanted publicity for your books there were better ways to do it. This was sad and how low could you have got and brought shame on the journos. You don’t get physical whatever provocation that’s how you guys talk about everyone else!

You can give me enough reason for the first hand fistful, sorry then you are not the one on the high pedestal you claim to be, especially for someone who spoke on moral compass.

Where is your moral compass boss, you left it at home when you went to USA! Now between us tell me what did you gain on all this.

That aside I am sure you were lucky those people weren’t actually bullies, for what you did.

Come back home, think of retirement, life is beautiful, you have already wrecked enough damage to journalism. Think of Cash for Votes Scam and you want us to read the book. A whole govt and a 5 year govt went on after that boss! Do you even understand the gravity of what you did. Integrity is not so easy! If it was what was practiced you would have hung every congress minister or you would not have said Assam had logistic issues when it came to coverage.

Or go back and think about saying the number of dead makes the news bigger, how big a buffonery were you holding everyday for the past decade.

Anyways lets see what is in store when you come back!

Tweets, thanks and bouquets…

I do think sometimes you get to spend some extra time on twitter and in case you get interested in something unless you are a Journo or a TV anchor you can be rest assured that your day is gone for a six. Again its a matter of choice and quite often you get to be spending quality time on unnecessary issues like our television anchors do.

Last week esp last two days have been really great for me (@rsenthilkumar) at twittersphere. Monday night was a great time when (Rajdeep Sardesai) @sardesairajdeep answered a question on the issue of Question Hour being wasted. I was on Cloud 9, literally to be getting an answer from Rajdeep Sardesai was no mean achievement.

Then the next was @RashmiBansal, I am to be frank a big fan of hers right from the JAM days, a different person who chose to be different what else. In conversation with her and actually its because of her impact (my entrepreneur label is still being bandied about) she tweeted on the business and wished me goodluck…

Well then ofcourse you have @Chetan_Bhagat, as I was watching the time line, TIME posted that the 2010 TIME 100 list was out and and I had also quit twitter that moment and it struck me I had to check if CB was there I had voted for him, then I caught up with Chetan Bhagat with the news breaking news rather and it was kind of him to say thanks with a buddy added against my name…

I also have had the privilege of being tweeted by @Lalit_Modi the man behind the IPL and the fiasco that followed it. Then ofcourse @Smitarnair makes it a point to answer everytime she can. Thanks.

I believe this twitter has the ability to break the barriers and make it fruitful for the author and the readers alike the case of CB and his fans.

Am so happy 🙂 for the tweets and it means a lot, a bit of recognition if i may say so of being another Twitterer.

R Senthilkumar