Tag Archives: The dark side of light

The Dark Side of Light by Sanil Sachar #Bookreview


Publisher Rupa Publications India
ISBN-10 8129139766
Number of Pages 200 Pages
Publication Year 2016
Language English
ISBN-13 9788129139764
Binding Hardcover

Sometimes the cover of the book says it all. The photograph on the cover gives you an idea of the title in a way. But the content in this book will leave you in dark for some time.

Travelling through the negative mind as we have known or being portrayed is a genre by itself, but Sanil Sachar takes it to a whole new level. Sometimes I think how he has been able to think through the thought of the thought.

The climax that he weaves at the end of the story is a sheer brilliance in prose and in such short captivating mastery of language and narration, he holds the attention span till the end of ever story.

That darkness can be celebrated is not often that you come across, but herein lies the trick and ofcourse you will sometimes think how it could be possible to be thinking exactly like the character you just met.

The best part is his taking us through the stories, the poetic prose and the real poetry with ease and keeping you mesmerized till you put the book down.

There are stories and there are poems that characterizes darkness explained like never before. The author / poet in Sanil Sachar seems to be at ease navigating the dark and traverses seamlessly across the prose and poetry with ease that’s probably only he can take pride in.

The words in poetry and prose leaves you with a visual imagery blended in the darkness of mind’s remotest corner. It would not be an understatement if I said he had a a bit of O Henry’s twist to the tales even thought they were dark. I refrain from using the word negative for the fact that I realised you could have it dark the way the author has woven stories after stories.

I think you take time to read sometimes break and then continue even as you let the words sink in.

Not to mention there are play scripts too to take time off from those serious words.

So that’s the book for you, pick it up for listening to some voices you thought would never speak or you would want to hear.

Now that you think you should take a read go over here to buy the book.


This is a part of Flipkart Book Review Program, and thanks Flipkart for sending the book.