Tag Archives: togetherness

Just the moments of togetherness #together

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I am an eternal optimist and know that I will pull it off. Its only a matter of time before things fall in place. During those moments when you feel that you are on the thin ice not necessarily true to the literal sense, still think you need some one who can say ‘yes that’s the way and don’t worry everything is gonna be alright’. That’s the time.  Those are life changing moments in small measure not so drastic for the world to see,  still needs someone who can say what you want to hear and boost your morale.

I know I can look upto him, my friend. Not much is in common with our careers and personal life. Never the less there seems to be the meeting of minds when we need to discuss and take a decision for good. This is when it matters the most. But we have had our time managed to meet at regular intervals at our favourite places.

At times there would be no talks and at times heated discussions, it all boils down to having to understand the others point of view. But more than that its the belief that there is someone behind you to back up your plan, your thoughts and someone to vet it for you in terms that you never fathomed it.

At times its just the meeting that makes it all worthwhile. Being together and sharing the things would make it easy. That’s kinda I know I can get myself assured feeling and moment.

The best part is this, sometimes its a monologue from my side at a stretch. It could be that we needed someone to listen. Infact helps to be listened to may be. Makes a lot of difference in the way we approach it after someone has heard us and decision is made. It also feels like its being more independent after such a meeting of togetherness.

The other side of it is he is not near these days. His presence is felt when I go to the places where we have been and have had our talks. That those places still seem to buzz on activities make it a nostalgic even today.

And there are times I take a walk all alone at night and then come back refreshed with an answer that has been prodding me. A lone walk with melodious music from the playlist of my mobile will add to the calming effect that is needed for you. There is a talk between one self and it makes you very clear on what the next step should be.


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