Tag Archives: candidates

Its election time here!

Coimbatore's erstwhile mayor


Coimbatore is in the midst of election fever. It a good tidings when its election atleast in this part of the country. The river flows, err the money flows in election expenditure! The citizen will be the most wanted everywhere. He will be pampered to the hilt by all the political parties.

There is song at every corner and there is an auto going around asking everyone to vote for one of the three major parties. Now my question is how many of us have cared to see the manifesto of the candidate or the affidavit he has filed before the election commission. What are the educational qualifications, the industry experience et al.

When we select a candidate for our company how careful are we, right from the way we advertise it in the classifieds or the situations vacant ie appointments section to checking the resumes and shortlisting and then an interview and finally selecting a candidate to the respective position.

A normal exercise of this magnitude for someone to do sales and things like that or may be handle office administration., but when it comes to electing office bearers we are not like this. If each one of us take some time out since the Mayor or an assembly will be for 5 years, would n’t be prudent to check the veracity of claims and ask for proper manifesto and check the last manifesto for a fair appraisal.

Look at the work of the erstwhile Mayor and things like that to decide on who to vote for on that day of election. Th problem with the educated is that they think they don’t have to really look at all this, while they will spend enough time to browse on the timelines of the cine stars and also waste time on other things. And then one fine day exclaim “Oh what has happened to the country? Why are roads like this? I pay taxes!”

If everyone thought their vote wont matter and didnt visit the polling booth, even if one person voted the candidates will be declared elected.  For the record I believe one Mayor has already been elected unopposed already.

And we call ourselves democracy and celebrate that without fulfilling our duty. Anyways if even half of the people took to these measures then there are chances that some new set of selfless people may become our representatives.

So next time when a contestant comes to your locality invite him home, ask him his ideas for your constituency and what you can help to achieve. etc.

Small steps to a vibrant democracy is when we know our roles and responsibilities!

One post a day – 22/30 #