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The Krishna Key – a Book Review

Let me start with a disclaimer, I am a big fan of Ashwin and know him close thanks to the social media. So it was with bated breath that I was awaiting the release of his latest thriller in his genre of mythological thriller. If anyone can give Dan Brown a challenge it would be Ashwin Sanghi and he has proved it time and again.

Now to the novel at hand – the Krishna Key. I told myself I will try to do an open reading and not have any premonition about Krishna (He is close to me). I had also read the first preview.

The book sets the pace and what a start it was a gory one and an executioner on prowl, planning with precision and setting the agenda for the police and the other stake holders to think hard.

The pace of the novel was class apart, you could not wait to see what happened next and what’s in store till the last page is read.

The change of pace and the characters especially that of Prof Saini and his student Priya were well etched out and quite educative. The best part is that springing surprises that happens during the story offering quite a twist. Radhika’s character is one of empowerment in itself.

The storyline especially that of Sri Krishna in first person makes it topical and how it came about for modern day characters to connect the dots. Realism in fiction sometimes  is an art but Ashwin makes it a science with his deep insights and wide reading of the topic that he presents in such a riveting and fast paced story which makes for an engrossing read.

I think anagrams apart Ashwin this time has set a new precedent with a mirror imaging of Sir Khan to Krishna, something which still rings in with the reader.

An absolutely great story told in a pretty lucid narrative and style that you would wonder why it went off so fast. You will continue to retain some of the finer characteristics of the story even after you have put your book down.

For me personally, the author has a way of presenting things in new light that I am reminded of George Bernard Shaw who said ‘You see things and say why, I see things and say why not?’

Senthilkumar Rajappan

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