Tag Archives: george bernard shaw

The art of politics!











George Bernard Shaw once said ‘Politics is the refuge of a scoundrel.’ This statement keeps me wondering if we could put all our freedom fighters who became politicians under scanner.

The reason I am writing this is I am seeing politics in a new light. I have now friends across the political spectrum, some have tried being MLAs and some hold good party positions. Some years ago we thought politics will be more dynasty based rather than the merit based, but looking at the present crop not a big statistics though we do have a lot of faces who have strived hard from grassroots level to become the biggest power centers in the party.

I think now its the turn of the even social media commentators to turn politicians. There are atleast a few of hte twitter celebs who have actively been campaigning for a political cause and they are not averse to politics.

A classic case is that of AAP, we have had a lot of people from the young and raring to go make a debut in Delhi elections last December. It actually bodes well for the nation if we can get a new set of people.

But looking at the other side, politics is the art of the possible, something I would agree with Rahul Gandhi that its in the shirts and pants of the everyone.

Without having politics as a second nature and without playing politics do we get to do anything at all. Probably thats why they have thought of having said that politics is an art.

In case you chance upon Chanakya’s work Arthashastra, it details in very large measure on what politics is all about and also the best way to conduct the same. The days are not different though we are in a different era, the way politics is played is almost the same.

In case you think you come across a person described again by Bernard Shaw as this, He knows nothing and he thinks he knows everything, then be sure it clearly points to a political career. I have rephrased it!

That I am sure is a easy way to see how a person if he is fit to be a political entity. So next time the politics need not be literal but anything that makes a bit of what you just read can be politics.

So how much of a politician are you, just look back and you will know.


one post a day 9/30