Tag Archives: ritoban chakrabarty

When she smiled – by Ritoban Chakrabarti #bookreview



Publisher Notion Press
Publication Year 2015
ISBN-13 9789384878252
ISBN-10 9384878251
Language English
Edition 1
Binding Paperback
Number of Pages 225 Pages

I was happy that it was a debut novel, but along the way I missed the speed and pace that could have been better.

It is a story of school crush and how life changes for one Mrutunjoy the hero in his class 11 to be precise and his lady love Akanksha makes an entry into his life. Things are not the same for a guy when a girl enters his life. Or even at least when he thinks it to be. This has to be the best of all the novels that we come up with. Its quite a school boy falling in for a girl and how they go to the next step of their relationship, its like a bit cinematic, may be we are used to more movies showing this relationship in a way that we all seem to approve not knowing how it will end up.

The story could have been fast paced with the characters getting on, but it has too many description that lead us to nowhere. The language could have been polished in the sense there were instances for moderation of the usage.

The days in school is almost common place and there is not the special feeling effect on you and there is this going forth and back that doesn’t gel with the narrative at times. The author has been harsh on himself unnecessary if I have to look at this in a semi autobiographical way.

May be its because of the school boyish stuff that we were reading but I am sure we can expect much more than the cinematic narrative that we were placed with. Some places seems to touch a nerve but the momentum doesn’t last long enough for your to get them on you.

The language could have been a help especially in the days when we are overloaded with so many romantic and first love stories from all over. The vivid background of Shimla would have made for some scenic narratives if you ask me. The author sometimes gets on to be clueless as much as the characters presented are.

I know this being a debut has a bit of Chetan Bhagat effect on the storyline and the way of narration but the thing is it was a different world when Chetan Bhagat started writing and now there are enough and more of authors spinning tale after tale on the same names and you can have a series of social media led love stories. Here’s where I believe the author missed a great chance to live the romance sans these media interruptions and weave a nostalgic story. The story is a easy read but had a lot of potential if you ask me. Simply because you could take them on a memory down lane those times. Will wait and see how the author  takes up the next book.

My rating : 2.5 / 5 stars


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