The face of opportunity! #WillYouShave activity



It’s perhaps an awkward way we started our college days but it has helped the personal grooming habits for a fresher. On the second day at College, we were self introduced by the seniors that they were seniors.

Well those were days when ragging is an offence board wasn’t in vogue. Nevertheless the ragging as a culture was more aimed at better relationship building and give a sense of security to the younger lots. It might have been that some stray incidents and stories would have a negative impact on the same.

So in the course of the conversation they introduced us to the basic ten commandments to be followed, while coming to college.

One of them was being clean shaven. You will laugh at the list they set, some of them include wearing rubber slippers to college, no proper bags only the yellow bag that is sort of used to carry cash by the rural folks et al.

But this actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise, so much so that we had started a daily habit of allotting the time to shave though unconsciously.

The other reward was the side glances that were obviously directed at some of us from the opposite sex at times. Cloud nine was on earth those times literally, thanking those seniors for these unintended moments.

Soon it became a habit and as the days passed it was the mode of presentation that mattered with a clean shave for an intercollegiate or a dramatics session.

So looking back they have been of great use I mean the diktat of my seniors in the early days.

There would be no reason to think about what to do since we had already got into the habit of being a presentable men without any stubble or a bit of unshaven cheeks!

These came in handy especially during my days at NCC. Your turnout should be the best espcially the shining shoes, the well ironed uniform, and a may I add a shining and clean shaven face. That would be the yardstick for your turnout. The shoes brushed and polished under the candle light glare and morning getting into a nice clean shave. The confidence is overwhelming to say the least. A look into the mirror, and the confidence rises and sets you confident like the flag fluttering high on the mast.

I have been lucky to be a Cultural Officer in all the three years of my NCC camps and when I look back its been the turnout that stand apart. Sometimes it has helped me to be in the limelight to be a part of historic occasion to be leading the charge on the parade grounds and sometimes on stage sharing the wonderful moments.

The best I would say was yet to come, when I got a call for the Combined Defence Services Exam Interviews at 22 SSB Bhopal.

A wash out at the recommendation isnt a great surprise but then our batch went on to get a whooping 12 recommendations that included me!

You look at all those wonderful gentlemen cadets and you know the shine and gleam of the face after a clean shave.

Yes its the best part of being the Gentleman and that was the time they aired the TVC which said, “Officer for 5 years and Gentleman for the rest of the life!”

I didnt make it medically fit, nevertheless it for sure that a clean shaven face brings you the best of the opportunities

“This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette