Tag Archives: IPL Season 2

The best thing about IPL Season 2

Well if you were fanatic cricket follower you would have told me it was the rise of Deccan Chargers and then ofcourse senior players showing their mettle, but then I have to be looking at the other side of the story.

For me the best thing about IPL Season 2 are the commercial breaks, especially Zoo zoos campaign from Vodafone. It is perhaps one of the most riveting and entertaining characters produced for advertising in history. Kudos to the team at O&M India, it has had a huge fan following. Top it all, when you thought it was animated you get to see that they are just human beings in those funny white robes and accentuated emotions drawn on their faces.

I would say the ads are innocence personified with its presentation so much so that you start laughing and get so close and up with the situation.

All the ideas seemed to be out of the box and then it was conveyed so beautifully that they cannot just be wished away. Not surprising that they are the most watched ads on You Tube today.

The creatures are the best part, little cute creatures which make it happen. Be it the photocopier stuff, or the traffic, the stock alerts they make it so engaging. Ofcourse you cannot forget the Prayer below the twig would you…

Now I watch IPL only to see these little creatures flash on the screen, ask Modi yeah Lalit Modi he will tell you that IPL 2 is a close call between teams, not during the advertising breaks, Vodafone is far ahead of Airtel, though not to belittle the Airtel Madhavan – Vidya Balan pair, but somehow and deservedly Zoo zoos seemed to have captured the imagination of all those watching IPL2. Its Vodafone that won IPL 2 hands down, that’s my take.

Catchup, and the ads will be posted here soon.

R Senthilkumar